We’re a couple of months into our first round of WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more.-related projects, and some volunteers found themselves with less time than they thought they would have to work on Events group initiatives. We’re looking forward to those folks coming back when they have more bandwidth, but in the meantime there are groups that could use some additional volunteers. Each group needs 2-3 more people.
Event Planning Training Materials: If you have great writing and editorial skills, plus expertise in organizing WordCamps and other WP events, you’d be a real asset to this group. Also, if you’re a WordCamp organizer with some documentation to share, reach out to me, Luke, or Sara.
The WordPress.tv Event Video Management team needs a few more intrepid WordCamp video reviewers. If you love video as much as they do and have the subject matter competency to review video content, please consider volunteering for this ongoing project.
Finally, WordCamp Base Theme Page Templates could use a few more awesome devs and designers who have experience with the WordCamp Base theme and with organizing sanctioned WordCamps. They have come up with some great ideas for improving the WordCamp Base theme, and could use help with the design and development.
If you’re interested, qualified, and have the time to give, please comment on this post with the project you’d like to volunteer for.
#event-planning-training-materials, #wordcamp-base, #wordpress-tv-event-video-management