transfers! These applications to join the central account have been getting done in batches each week based on their various statuses. I’ll start posting weekly updates on this program, and will tap someone else to take point on transfers/new setups in the nearish future.
Today’s update:
- 18 existing groups: Submitted to for immediate transfer on account owner confirmation.
- 9 “complicated” existing groups (inactive, wanting to compete with an existing group, owner isn’t the one who applied, etc): Emailed applicants and/or owners for more info before proceeding
- 2 new groups: Created new meetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. groups in areas where one did not already exist, applicant seemed to know what they were doing, and they included all the necessary information in the application form.
- 6 “pending” new groups: Emailed the organizer applicants to get more info or make sure they knew what they were signing up for, but ready to set up on response based on what we know so far.
- 17 “complicated” new groups: Still researching the situation in the area and/or the applicant, will reply this week as situation is understood.
With this round, we’ll be hitting the 80 groups we currently have room for on the central account, so in the Jan-Mar invoicing cycle, I’ve upped the count to 100 to allow for more new meetups Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. in the coming quarter (we only get to change the number of groups on our account once per quarter due to billing).
I’m ready to train a couple of volunteers on responding to the meetup applications to help speed up the process. Interested? Required qualifications:
- Experience running a WordPress meetup
- In good standing with the community
- Available to work on this around 1-2 hours a week
- Reliable
- Able to communicate it English, but international folks welcome
Leave a comment if this sounds like something you’d want to help with. For that matter, these are the same qualifications that will be desired for helping with overall meetup program management (creating starter packs, etc), so if you’re interested in another area of meetups, post in the comments. Thanks!
#meetup-com, #meetups-2