Contributor Working Group Chat Agenda | May 23rd 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

It is time to host the next Monthly chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group. We’re meeting on the Next Thursday (May 23rd) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress and to continue our work on mentorship programs. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.

Note: The Contributor Working Group typically meets on the Third Thursday of the Month, but for this month alone (May), we are moving our chat to the Fourth Thursday of the month.

Meeting times

We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!

Pinging some of our active working group members:

@adityakane, @aion11, @alexcu21, @alexdeborba, @angelasjin, @askdesign, @casiepa, @coachbirgit, @courane01, @devmuhib, @foosantos, @gusa, @harishanker, @hellosatya, @javiercasares, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @kirasong, @leogopal, @leonnugraha, @lighthouse79, @lumiblog, @maheshpatel, @matteoenna, @meher, @milana_cap, @mrinal013, @mysweetcate, @nao, @ninianepress, @nilovelez, @ndiego, @nomadskateboarding, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @peiraisotta, @pooja1210, @ratneshsonar, @rcreators, @realloc, @sancastiza, @sereedmedia, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @thehopemonger, @thewebprincess, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @voboghure, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103


1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves. Do we also have any volunteers for notetaking, next agenda drafting, or next meeting host?

2. Brainstorming/Planning Cohort #3 of the Mentorship Program and Call for Interest
Now that Cohort #2 is over, and since we received a lot of interest and excitement from community members on hosting Cohort #3, let us start making an initial plan on how Cohort 3 is going to look like. We are also going to use this opportunity to bring in new facilitators for the group for Cohort 3, so this will be a chance to do so.

3. On-demand Mentorship
In our last chat, @tobifjellner shared an excellent idea around “on-demand mentorship”, where we create a pool of mentorsEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. who are available to support new contributors, so that new contributors coming in can get mentorship whenever they want. We will briefly explore this idea and think of a framework to build such a program.

4. Five for the Future Documentation Updates
In our last chat, we mentioned that in addition to our work on mentorship, this group will additionally start focusing on bolstering the broader contributor experience of WordPress. As part of that work, we started focusing a bit on creating documentation for self-sponsored and sponsored contributors for Five for the Future. We have already received excellent feedback on the same from community members on work done so far, and we will use this opportunity to discuss this.

5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss WordPress Contribution broadly and our program!

Looking forward to seeing you at the chat!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 2 – May -2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 2 May 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 2 FMay 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Call for meeting host
If anyone is available to host the second sessions of the Community Team monthly meeting at 9pm UTC, please reach out to one of the team reps, who are all based in APAC and EMEA countries: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #community, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-meeting

Contributor Working Group: Mentorship Chat Agenda |April18th 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

It is time to host the next Mentorship chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group after a brief gap. We’re meeting on Thursday (April 18th) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.

Today’s chat is quite special for our group, because we plan to use our available time to discuss the February 2024 Cohort of the Contributor Mentorship Program which has recently concluded and also start thinking about the next edition of our program!

Meeting times

We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!

Pinging some of our active working group members:

@adityakane, @alexcu21, @alexdeborba, @angelasjin, @annezazu, @askdesign, @casiepa, @coachbirgit, @courane01, @devmuhib, @foosantos, @gusa, @harishanker, @hellosatya, @javiercasares, @jeffpaul, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @kirasong, @leogopal, @leonnugraha, @matteoenna, @meher, @milana_cap, @mysweetcate, @nao, @ninianepress, @nilovelez, @nomadskateboarding, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @ratneshsonar, @realloc, @sereedmedia, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @thehopemonger, @thewebprincess, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @voboghure, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103


1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves. Do we also have any volunteers for notetaking, next agenda drafting, or next meeting host?

2. Mentorship Cohort #2 Recap
The second edition of our WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program has concluded! The event was a huge success with 44 out of 52 mentees formally graduating from the program! Let’s take a moment to look back at the program, and celebrate our wins and learnings from the program, as well as the survey results.

3. What’s next for the mentorship program?
Now that we have completed two cohorts of the mentorship program, how should we go ahead with the next edition of the mentorship program? What is the future of the program and how does it look like?

4. Next Steps for our Working Group
The original purpose of the working group was to bolster the contributor experience of WordPress, and we identified mentorship as a kick-it off. As we have some clarity on mentorship for our program, it is time to explore other ways to improve the WordPress contributor experience, such as working on Five for the Future
and to take other steps to address other obvious gaps in the WordPress contributor experience. Let’s brainstorm on what the next steps of our group will look like.

5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss WordPress Contribution broadly and our program!

Looking forward to seeing you at the chat!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 4 – April -2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 4 April 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 4 April 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Call for meeting host
If anyone is available to host the second sessions of the Community Team monthly meeting at 9pm UTC, please reach out to one of the team reps, who are all based in APAC and EMEA countries: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-meeting-2

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 7 March 2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 7 March 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 7 March 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Call for meeting host
If anyone is available to host the second sessions of the Community Team monthly meeting at 9pm UTC, please reach out to one of the team reps, who are all based in APAC and EMEA countries: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-chat, #team-meeting

#community-team-3, #agenda, #community, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-chat, #team-meeting-2

#community-team, #team-meeting

Contributor Working Group: Mentorship Chat Agenda | February 15th 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

The next Mentorship chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group is on the cards. We’re meeting today – on Thursday (February 15th) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.

Today’s chat is particularly exciting, because we are launching the second cohort of the Contributor Mentorship Program next week (February 19th)!

Meeting times

We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!

Pinging some of our active working group members:

@adityakane, @alexcu21, @angelasjin, @casiepa, @cbringmann, @coachbirgit, @courane01, @devmuhib, @foosantos, @gusa, @harishanker, @javiercasares, @jeffpaul, @jominney, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @leogopal, @leonnugraha, @matteoenna, @meher, @kirasong, @milana_cap, @mysweetcate, @nao, @ninianepress, @nomadskateboarding, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @ratneshsonar, @realloc, @sereedmedia, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @thehopemonger, @thewebprincess, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103, @hellosatya, @alexdeborba, @annezazu, @askdesign, @nilovelez, @tokyobiyori, @voboghure


In the last mentorship chat, we finalized plans for our next cohort. Last week, thanks to y’all’s timely feedback, we published the call for mentors and mentees for the next cohort!

1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves.

Any volunteers for notetaking, next agenda drafting, or next meeting host?

2. Mentorship Cohort #2 status update
We closed our call for mentorsEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. and mentees last week, and we are close to announcing our selected mentors and mentees (waiting for some final confirmation/feedback from mentors). At this point, we will chat about the current state of the selection process for transparency.

3. Draft Program Schedule
A draft schedule for our program is ready! We will be discussing the same in this chat for members’ feedback.

4. Call for Help
As the program is about to launch, we’re going to need a lot of help from our mentors and mentees to make it happen! We will define the areas where help is needed in the chat, but to summarize:

  • Documentation Tasks (Review mentorEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues., mentee guides, showrunning documents, checklists)
  • Facilitators (Folks who can engage the mentees throughout the program and run the program broadly)
  • Onboarding sessions hosts (We need representatives from Make/Teams to host sessions on various topics for our group)
  • And finally, some additional mentors (While our call for mentors is closed, we are looking for additional mentors who can support our pool of mentors)

All available tasks can be found here:

5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss mentorship broadly and our program!

SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

  • Please make use of the Slack #contributor-mentorship channel for open discussion.
  • Don’t hesitate to share any relevant information for mentorship in general.

GithubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 1 February 2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 1 February 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 1 February 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Call for meeting host
If anyone is available to host the second sessions of the Community Team monthly meeting at 9pm UTC, please reach out to one of the team reps, who are all based in APAC and EMEA countries: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-chat, #team-meeting

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 7 September, 2023

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month. 

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 7 September at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 7 September at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @leo, @nukaga, or @mysweetcate. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Check-ins: Supporters, Managers, and Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

The NextGen Event Project: Your Ideas, Your WordPress Community! – Want to encourage the community to experiment to organize more vibrant, inclusive and exciting events for the future? Check out these ideas that have been collected from community members!

Anyone can apply now to organize one of the event ideas under the NextGen Events program.

WCUS 2023: Community Team event at Contributor Day – If you didn’t have a chance to see this before, take a look at the itinerary for this year’s WCUSWCUS WordCamp US. The US flagship WordCamp event. 2023 Contributor DayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus. Thanks to @samsuresh, @tacoverdo, @nukaga, @brandondove, and @st810amaze for facilitating the day.

2023 Program Supporter Survey – If you haven’t yet, please fill out this survey. It is anonymous and gives us a better understanding of how we can work together as a team. Thank you!!

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Call for ideas: new features for our NexGen WP events central page – The Event Central homepage is evolving, and your feedback matters! Help create a more modern and usable site that can be useful to newcomers, attendees, sponsors, etc., something we can use to better promote our events publicly. Comment with your feedback and please add any features that you’d like to see in this new site.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #meeting, #meeting-agenda, #team-chat, #team-meeting

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 2 February 2023

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month. 

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 2 February 2023 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 2 February 2023 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @leo, @nukaga, or @mysweetcate. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Check-ins: DeputiesProgram Supporter Community Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook. / MentorsEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Updates to the Regional WordCamps Handbook Page – Information has been consolidated from previous Community Team conversations to update the expectations and requirements for hosting a Regional WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more..

WordPress Community Support & WordPress Foundation Entity Structure@harmonyromo explains the differences between the two.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Proposal: [Experiment] Adopt Standardised Team-wide Project Management Tools – already utilised by other Make Teams for a Quarter. – This proposal is focused towards improving our project management and goal and progress tracking by using the same transparent tools that other Make Teams already utilise. 

Proposal: Dedicated communication place for WordCamp mentors@peiraisotta is asking for feedback on more effective ways to connect with and communicate to our WordCamp mentors.

WC Asia Contributor Day: What should we work on?@tacoverdo and @mysweetcate will be table leads at WC Asia. What should they have the contributors work on?

Community Team Goals for 2023: Call for Suggestions – Suggestions for team goals closes today. Get your’s in!

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#meeting-agenda, #team-meeting


#agenda, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-chat, #team-meeting

Deputy / Organizer Training #2: Meetup/WordCamp Application Vetting

The Deputy / Organizer training is taking place every 3rd Thursday of the month via a live Zoom Call. The July training session will take place on 21st July 2022  2022/07/21 12:00 UTC.

The July 2022 session will focus on how to vet MeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook./WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. applications. As face-to-face events are back, we expect more and more WordCamps to go in person. Knowing how to vet those applications will help any Community DeputyProgram Supporter Community Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook. to process fresh applications and move them to the next stage.

The following handbook pages can be handy to reference when you attend this session:

Meetup Application Review

Community Deputy Handbook: Reviewing WordCamp Application

Tracker: WordCamp Application Status

About the MentorEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues.: Rocio Valdivia (@_dorsvenabili)

Rocio is a Community Deputy of the Global WordPress Community Team since 2015. She’s sponsored by Automattic to work full-time supporting all official WordPress events around the globe. She’s been involved with the WordPress community since 2009, WordCamp Europe and Sevilla, WCEUWCEU WordCamp Europe. The European flagship WordCamp event. 2020 global lead, WCEU 2022, and WC Asia mentor and mentor of dozens of WordCamps and MeetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. around the globe in the last seven years.

#agenda, #community-management, #community-team, #meeting