Contributor Working Group/Mentorship Chat Agenda | August 15th 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

Hello friends! It is time to host the next Monthly chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group. We’re meeting this August (tomorrow – August 15th) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress and to continue our work on mentorship programs. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.

Meeting times

We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!

Pinging some of our active working group members:

@adityakane, @aion11, @alexcu21, @alexdeborba, @askdesign, @casiepa, @chaion07, @coachbirgit, @colorful-tones, @courane01, @devmuhib, @estelaris, @foosantos, @gusa, @hellosatya, @javiercasares, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @kirasong, @leonnugraha, @lighthouse79, @lumiblog, @matteoenna, @meher, @milana_cap, @mrinal013, @nao, @nhrrob, @nilovelez, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @pooja1210, @ratneshsonar, @rcreators, @realloc, @rogermedia, @sancastiza, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @tekNorah, @thehopemonger, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @voboghure, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103


1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves.

2. Mentorship Program Updates
We’ll be discussing our formal call for mentees, and steps towards finalizing the next cohort.

3. Mentorship Program Cohort #3 (Q4 2024) Implementation Steps
With our cohort formally starting in less than two months, let’s start working on setting things up! Since this is a big topic, let’s use most of our time towards this.

4. Working Closely with the Sustainability Team
Social Sustainability is a big part of what the Sustainability team does, which aligns with our group’s work. In fact, many of our group members actively participate in the Sustainability team too. Let’s discuss further on how we can work closely with that team going forward.

5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss mentorship broadly and our program!

Looking forward to seeing many of you in the chat!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 1 – August 2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 1 August 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 1 August 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Call for meeting host and notetaker
If anyone is available to host this month’s or next month’s Community Team meetings and/or write the recap notes , please reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • Please share your username (to easily include you in the recap post)
  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-chat, #team-meeting

#team-chat-3, #team-meeting-3, #agenda, #meeting-agenda

#team-chat, #team-meeting

Contributor Working Group Chat Agenda | July 18th 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

Hello friends! It is time to host the next Monthly chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group. We’re meeting this Thursday (July 18th) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress and to continue our work on mentorship programs. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.

Meeting times

We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!

Pinging some of our active working group members:

@adityakane, @aion11, @alexcu21, @alexdeborba, @askdesign, @casiepa, @chaion07, @coachbirgit, @colorful-tones, @courane01, @devmuhib, @estelaris, @foosantos, @gusa, @hellosatya, @javiercasares, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @kirasong, @leonnugraha, @lighthouse79, @lumiblog, @matteoenna, @meher, @milana_cap, @mrinal013, @mysweetcate, @nao, @nhrrob, @nilovelez, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @peiraisotta, @pooja1210, @ratneshsonar, @rcreators, @realloc, @rogermedia, @sancastiza, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @tekNorah, @thehopemonger, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @voboghure, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103


1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves. Do we also have any volunteers for notetaking, next agenda drafting, or next meeting host?

2. Program Updates
Our early call for mentees closed on July 15th, 2024. Let’s take some time to briefly share some information on applicant statistics and updates.

3. Mentorship Program Cohort #3 Planning (Q4 2024)
Based on all the discussions from our past chats, I have put together an initial plan for our first cohort, including some documentation. The goal of creating this document at an early stage is to create a clear, cohesive, and transparent plan for our initial cohort of the mentorship program helping us to create a more structured and systematic mentoring experience. We will use this time to discuss this plan out in the open and to get folks’ feedback.

4. Discussing Program Next Steps
Let’s discuss a project plan to get our mentorship program going. The goal is to create a framework and to work out in the open as much as possible. We will also discuss next steps such as handling our early applicants, opening our call for mentees, as well as finalizing other dates and details for the next cohort.

5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss WordPress Contribution broadly and our program!

Looking forward to seeing many of you in the chat!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 4 July 2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 4 June 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 4 June 2024 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Call for meeting host
If anyone is available to host this month’s or next month’s Community Team meetings, please reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-chat, #team-meeting

Contributor Working Group Chat Agenda | June 20th 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

It is time to host the next Monthly chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group. We’re meeting on the Next Thursday (June 20th) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress and to continue our work on mentorship programs. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.

Meeting times

We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!

Pinging some of our active working group members:

@adityakane, @aion11, @alexcu21, @alexdeborba, @angelasjin, @askdesign, @casiepa, @chaion07, @coachbirgit, @colorful-tones, @courane01, @devmuhib, @estelaris, @foosantos, @gusa, @gusaus, @harishanker, @hellosatya, @javiercasares, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @kirasong, @leogopal, @leonnugraha, @lighthouse79, @lumiblog, @maheshpatel, @matteoenna, @meher, @milana_cap, @mrinal013, @mysweetcate, @nao, @nhrrob, @ninianepress, @nilovelez, @ndiego, @nomadskateboarding, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @peiraisotta, @pooja1210, @ratneshsonar, @rcreators, @realloc, @rogermedia, @sancastiza, @sereedmedia, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @tekNorah, @thehopemonger, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @voboghure, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103


1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves. Do we also have any volunteers for notetaking, next agenda drafting, or next meeting host?

2. Wins and Updates from WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Europe 2024
WordCamp Europe 2024 is over, and our program was a big hit at the event, so much that it was the opening slide on Matt Mullenweg’s 2024 Summer Update where our mentees from the Q1 2024 cohort was featured! The excitement was so much that we even opened up an early interest form for the Q4 cohort! Let’s do a quick debrief of updates and learnings from the event and to celebrate our wins!

3. Mentorship Program Cohort #3 (Q4 2024)
In our past chats we have been discussing extensively on how our next cohort should look like. Based on all the ideas shared, let’s discuss and finalize a plan for our next cohort and start working on planning the same. We will be sharing the plan in this chat and will seek feedback from our group members. We also hope to assign tasks and start working as per plan.

4. Creating a plan for On-Demand Mentorship in 2025
We have received a lot of interest in the “On Demand Mentorship” idea that was discussed extensively in the last chat. Let’s start thinking of how a first version of the same would look like, how it could co-exist with our cohorts, and how do we trial this in 2025.

4. Five for the Future Updates and Handbook
I am excited to announce that the first version of the Five for the Future Handbook is now out thanks to efforts from multiple contributors! We will briefly review the same and share plans and updates on the program, which also got a lot of attention at the recent WordCamp Europe 2024.

5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss WordPress Contribution broadly and our program!

Looking forward to seeing many of you in the chat!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 6 – June – 2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 6 June 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

  • Current challenges of WordPress Events. Shaping the future
    • Events program has seen significant challenges in bringing new users and new attendees in recent years due to many factors. To that end, this conversation aims to examine the events program’s current state and explore what changes could attract fresh users to the WordPress Project. Read carefully and share feedback before June 28, 2024. 
  • Recognizing Contributions and Acknowledging Challenges
    • This conversation is posted on the Sustainability blog to address the challenge of recognizing all contributions across the project.
  • Project Health Dashboards
    • Following the discussion about the contribution recognition challenge, the whole community is invited to share ideas and feedback about what tools we can use to create dashboards for the contribution teams. Please join the conversation and leave feedback before June 17.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-chat, #team-meeting

#team-meeting-3, #agenda, #community, #meeting-agenda, #team

Contributor Working Group Chat Agenda | May 23rd 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

It is time to host the next Monthly chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group. We’re meeting on the Next Thursday (May 23rd) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress and to continue our work on mentorship programs. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.

Note: The Contributor Working Group typically meets on the Third Thursday of the Month, but for this month alone (May), we are moving our chat to the Fourth Thursday of the month.

Meeting times

We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!

Pinging some of our active working group members:

@adityakane, @aion11, @alexcu21, @alexdeborba, @angelasjin, @askdesign, @casiepa, @coachbirgit, @courane01, @devmuhib, @foosantos, @gusa, @harishanker, @hellosatya, @javiercasares, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @kirasong, @leogopal, @leonnugraha, @lighthouse79, @lumiblog, @maheshpatel, @matteoenna, @meher, @milana_cap, @mrinal013, @mysweetcate, @nao, @ninianepress, @nilovelez, @ndiego, @nomadskateboarding, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @peiraisotta, @pooja1210, @ratneshsonar, @rcreators, @realloc, @sancastiza, @sereedmedia, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @thehopemonger, @thewebprincess, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @voboghure, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103


1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves. Do we also have any volunteers for notetaking, next agenda drafting, or next meeting host?

2. Brainstorming/Planning Cohort #3 of the Mentorship Program and Call for Interest
Now that Cohort #2 is over, and since we received a lot of interest and excitement from community members on hosting Cohort #3, let us start making an initial plan on how Cohort 3 is going to look like. We are also going to use this opportunity to bring in new facilitators for the group for Cohort 3, so this will be a chance to do so.

3. On-demand Mentorship
In our last chat, @tobifjellner shared an excellent idea around “on-demand mentorship”, where we create a pool of mentorsEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. who are available to support new contributors, so that new contributors coming in can get mentorship whenever they want. We will briefly explore this idea and think of a framework to build such a program.

4. Five for the Future Documentation Updates
In our last chat, we mentioned that in addition to our work on mentorship, this group will additionally start focusing on bolstering the broader contributor experience of WordPress. As part of that work, we started focusing a bit on creating documentation for self-sponsored and sponsored contributors for Five for the Future. We have already received excellent feedback on the same from community members on work done so far, and we will use this opportunity to discuss this.

5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss WordPress Contribution broadly and our program!

Looking forward to seeing you at the chat!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 2 – May -2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 2 May 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 2 FMay 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Call for meeting host
If anyone is available to host the second sessions of the Community Team monthly meeting at 9pm UTC, please reach out to one of the team reps, who are all based in APAC and EMEA countries: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #community, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-meeting

Contributor Working Group: Mentorship Chat Agenda |April18th 07:00 UTC (APAC/EMEA) and 16:00 UTC (AMER)

It is time to host the next Mentorship chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group after a brief gap. We’re meeting on Thursday (April 18th) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.

Today’s chat is quite special for our group, because we plan to use our available time to discuss the February 2024 Cohort of the Contributor Mentorship Program which has recently concluded and also start thinking about the next edition of our program!

Meeting times

We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.

The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!

Pinging some of our active working group members:

@adityakane, @alexcu21, @alexdeborba, @angelasjin, @annezazu, @askdesign, @casiepa, @coachbirgit, @courane01, @devmuhib, @foosantos, @gusa, @harishanker, @hellosatya, @javiercasares, @jeffpaul, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @kirasong, @leogopal, @leonnugraha, @matteoenna, @meher, @milana_cap, @mysweetcate, @nao, @ninianepress, @nilovelez, @nomadskateboarding, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @ratneshsonar, @realloc, @sereedmedia, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @thehopemonger, @thewebprincess, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @voboghure, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103


1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves. Do we also have any volunteers for notetaking, next agenda drafting, or next meeting host?

2. Mentorship Cohort #2 Recap
The second edition of our WordPress Contributor Mentorship Program has concluded! The event was a huge success with 44 out of 52 mentees formally graduating from the program! Let’s take a moment to look back at the program, and celebrate our wins and learnings from the program, as well as the survey results.

3. What’s next for the mentorship program?
Now that we have completed two cohorts of the mentorship program, how should we go ahead with the next edition of the mentorship program? What is the future of the program and how does it look like?

4. Next Steps for our Working Group
The original purpose of the working group was to bolster the contributor experience of WordPress, and we identified mentorship as a kick-it off. As we have some clarity on mentorship for our program, it is time to explore other ways to improve the WordPress contributor experience, such as working on Five for the Future
and to take other steps to address other obvious gaps in the WordPress contributor experience. Let’s brainstorm on what the next steps of our group will look like.

5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss WordPress Contribution broadly and our program!

Looking forward to seeing you at the chat!

#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda

Community Team Meeting Agenda for 4 – April -2024

The Community Team chat takes place the first Thursday of every month in the #community-team channel on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

This meeting is meant for all contributors on the team and everyone who is interested in taking part in some of the things our team does. Feel free to join us, even if you are not currently active in the team!

Asia-Pacific / EMEA friendly meeting: Thursday, 4 April 2024 at 12:00 PM UTC
Americas friendly meeting: Thursday, 4 April 2024 at 21:00 PM UTC

You will find a preliminary agenda for the meeting below. 

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga. It does not need to be a blog post yet, the topic can be discussed during the meeting nevertheless. We use the same agenda for both meetings.

Call for meeting host
If anyone is available to host the second sessions of the Community Team monthly meeting at 9pm UTC, please reach out to one of the team reps, who are all based in APAC and EMEA countries: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga.

Check-ins: Program and Event Supporters / Contributors

  • What have you been doing and how is it going? 
  • What did you accomplish after the last meeting? 
  • Are there any blockers? 
  • Can other team members help you in some way?

Highlights to Note

Here are a few things everyone should be aware of.

Open Posts

Check out these new and ongoing discussions needing review, feedback, thoughts and comments.

Announcements / Newsletters

Open Floor

This is your chance to discuss things that weren’t on the meeting agenda. 

We invite you to use this opportunity to share anything that you want with the team. If you currently have a topic you’d like to discuss, add it to the comments of this post and we will try to update the agenda accordingly.

Hope to see you on Thursday, either in the Asia-Pacific / EMEA (12:00 UTC) or Americas-friendly version (21:00 UTC) of the meeting!

#agenda, #meeting-agenda, #team, #team-meeting-2