Sometimes WordCamps are held at art galleries, union halls, and other places that don’t regularly rent out their space. If you need to provide a venue agreement for the space you plan to rent, you can use this template.
Please, make sure that only the venue signs it, and then send it to in one PDF document. A representative of WordPress Community SupportWordPress Community Support WordPress Community Support PBC is a Public Benefit Corporation, created specifically to be the financial and legal support for WordCamps, WordPress Meetup groups, and any additional “official” events organized within the WordPress Community Events program., PBC will sign it and send it back to you.
The agreement is necessary for the global insurance to cover the event, please make always sure that the venue signs the agreement even if they offer the space for free. You can edit the template as needed, if you have any doubts, please reach out to the community team in the #community-events SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel. This apply to all WordCamps, Next-Gen events, and other new event formats.
To: WordPress Community Support, PBC, 660 4th Street #119, San Francisco, CA 94107
In order to prevent misunderstanding or confusion between entities, WordPress Community Support, PBC (venue guest) agrees to the following stipulations as part of their understanding regarding the use of facilities owned/leased by __________________________________ (venue host).
- Facility Usage Term (including permitted times):
- Premises Location:
- Condition of Premises:
The premises are provided “as is and with all faults” with the user accepting all defects, if any; and the provider makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to the premises.
- Facility Usage Rate:
DEPOSIT (refundable less damages) $_____________________
Receipt of Deposit Guarantees Date: _____________________
FACILITY FEE $_____________________
- Cancellation Policy:
- Acceptable Usage:
The user agrees to conduct its activity at the facility so as not to endanger any person or property on the facility campus.
Venue Host:
Authorized Signature and date:
WordPress Community Support, PBC:
Authorized Signature and date: