100% GPL Vetting Checklist

To learn about the GPL, please see the GPL Primer!

Note:  While this checklist refers to speakers it also applies to sponsors

1) Does the speaker applicant distribute or promote (free or paid) any WordPress themes?

IF NO, skip to #5.
IF YES, continue.

2) Does the speaker distribute their themes (or the themes they promote):

A. Though the WordPress.org repository
B. Through their own website
C. Through a third-party website

IF A, skip to #5.
IF B, continue to #3.
IF C, skip to #4.

3) Is it stated in the theme license that the user/purchaser has the following freedoms (including CSS, images, and JavaScript)? PSD files in a separate license are ok.

the freedom to use the software for any purpose,
the freedom to change the software to suit your needs,
the freedom to share the software with your friends and neighbors, and
the freedom to share the changes you make

If so, skip to #5.
If not, skip to #10.

4) What third party websites are used? This is a helpful list of theme marketplaces that includes licensing information:

The Complete List of Premium WordPress Theme Shops

If the license offered by the theme marketplace is 100% GPL, skip to #5.
If the license offered by the theme marketplace is proprietary, then does the proprietary license provide the user/purchaser the following freedoms?

the freedom to use the software for any purpose,
the freedom to change the software to suit your needs,
the freedom to share the software with your friends and neighbors, and
the freedom to share the changes you make

If so, skip to #5.
If not, then the speaker does not meet the requirements for promotion by a WordCamp/WordPress, found here: https://make.wordpress.org/community/handbook/wordcamp-organizer-handbook/become-an-organizer/representing-wordpress/ Skip to #10.

If the marketplace does not offer a 100% GPL license, then the speaker does not meet the requirements for promotion by a WordCamp/WordPress, found here: https://make.wordpress.org/community/handbook/wordcamp-organizer-handbook/become-an-organizer/representing-wordpress/Skip to #10.

5) Does the speaker applicant distribute or promote (free or paid) any WordPress plugins?

IF NO, skip to #11.
IF YES, continue.

6) Does the speaker distribute their plugins (or are the plugins they promote distributed):

A. Though the WordPress.org repository
B. Through their own website
C. Through a third-party website

IF A, skip to #9.
IF B, continue to #7.
IF C, skip to #8.

7) Is it stated in the plugin license that the user/purchaser has the following freedoms?

the freedom to use the software for any purpose,
the freedom to change the software to suit your needs,
the freedom to share the software with your friends and neighbors, and
the freedom to share the changes you make

If so, skip to #9.
If not, skip to #10.

8) What third party websites are used to sell the plugin(s)?

A. wordpress.org/extend/plugins/
B. codecanyon.net
C. wpeden.com
D. premium.wpmudev.org/projects/category/plugins/
E. wpappstore.com
F. Other

If A/C/D/E: If the license offered by the plugin marketplace is 100% GPL, skip to #9.

If B: The marketplace does not by default offer a 100% GPL license.   Check the license that is included by the speaker.   If the license is 100% GPL , skip to #9.   If the license is not 100% GPL , then the speaker does not meet the requirements for promotion by a WordCamp/WordPress, found here: https://make.wordpress.org/community/handbook/wordcamp-organizer-handbook/become-an-organizer/representing-wordpress/ Skip to #10.

If Other: If the license offered by the plugin marketplace is proprietary, then does the proprietary license provide the user/purchaser the following freedoms (is it GPL-compatible)?

the freedom to use the software for any purpose,
the freedom to change the software to suit your needs,
the freedom to share the software with your friends and neighbors, and
the freedom to share the changes you make

If so, skip to #9.
If not, then the speaker does not meet the requirements for promotion by a WordCamp/WordPress, found here: https://make.wordpress.org/community/handbook/wordcamp-organizer-handbook/become-an-organizer/representing-wordpress/ Skip to #10.

9) Hooray! Your speaker meets the requirements for promotion by a WordCamp/WordPress because they distribute and/or promote themes or plugins under a 100% GPL license! Make sure they respect the trademark and are a good representative of the WordPress project, and you’re good to go.

10) Oh no! Your speaker does not meet the requirements for promotion by a WordCamp/WordPress, found here: https://make.wordpress.org/community/handbook/wordcamp-organizer-handbook/become-an-organizer/representing-wordpress/ because they distribute and/or promote themes or plugins that are not 100% GPL.

11) Your speaker does not distribute or promote WordPress-derivatives. Make sure they respect the trademark and are a good representative of the WordPress project, and you’re good to go.

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