While minor details may vary depending on the location of the do_actiondo_action do_action hackathons are community-organised events that are focussed on using WordPress to give deserving charitable organisations their own online presence. Learn more on doaction.org. event, there are a number of things that all do_action participants need to take note of.
Structure of the day
Your event organisers will be in touch with you about starting times, but the general structure of the day of a do_action hackathon is that you will start work in the morning and work through until about 5pm. Meals will all be provided for you and the day will end with each team presenting their work to everyone else followed by a celebratory supper for everyone in attendance.
What is expected of participants
All participants are expected to be at the hackathon for the full duration of the day. You will also be required to bring your own laptop (and power cables!). The venue will provide internet for the day, so you won’t need to worry about connectivity.
If you sign up as a Project Manager for one of the build teams, then you are also required to contact the non-profit organisation before the day in order to get specific requirements from them and do some pre-planning for the event. You will be provided with the contact details for your chosen non-profit organisation (as well as those of your entire build team) once you have signed up.
What participants will be provided with
To keep you going for the day you will be provided with food, coffee, tea and snacks throughout the event. You will also be provided with a reliable internet connection, a fresh installation of WordPress, and all the login details that are required for you to begin working.
How the non-profit organisations will be involved
The non-profit organisations will each have at least one representative there on the day. As the build team for their new website you will work directly with them, but your Project Manager will act as the liaison between the non-profit and the rest of the team. For a portion of the day (usually an hour or two), the non-profit representatives will be removed from your working space and will receive training on how to use WordPress effectively. This is to give them the skills to continue working with their new websites, as well as to give the build teams some space to work without the non-profit directly involved – we have found this to be hugely beneficial for the team as well as the non-profit.