Hold an “Organizing Diverse and Inclusive WordPress Events” workshop

About workshop:

This is the 2.5-hour interactive watch party online to learn how to create welcoming and diverse WordPress MeetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. and WordCamps for your WordPress community that the #WPDiversity group has been running regularly since 2021.

This workshop is not just for organizers, but anyone who wants to champion this kind of environment at official WordPress events, now or in the future.

You are invited to hold this workshop for the global community or for your own local community!

This is designed as an “interactive watch party” workshop to view the videos with the original diverse panel of creators, with some additional, new “live” content at the start.

How to hold the workshop:

If you read nothing else on this page, do this:

Load up the Main Slides

It will lead you through all of the parts.

Alternate – Very Easy Way to Run Workshop:

  • 1. Do the first 8 slides, up to slide #9 “Why do we care about diversity in WordPress?

For the rest of the time, hit play on the video(s):

Make sure to use the new workbook link.

Additional notes and assets, if needed: 

It is recommended to run this workshop as a mixture of live parts (first 2 modules) and video watch party (the other 5 modules). The Main Slides walk you through this.

If you are doing any part of the videos live, please heed these important notes:

  • The creators of this workshop (the people in the videos – Aurooba, Allie, David) have agreed that we can use the content as long as we don’t tell their own stories for them. You can either play their story in the video or you can replace it with your own relevant story.
    • Stories to play or replace in video 1:
      • Mindset: Aurooba’s story @ 6:03-7:23
      • Mindset: David’s story @ 13:03 – 15:48
      • Community: Allie’s story @ 18:18-19:39
      • Speakers: Jill’s story @ 29:07-31:11
      • Speakers: Jill’s story @ 34:27-35:02
      • Space: David’s story @ 40:52-43:46
    • Story to play or replace in video 2:
      • Allie’s story @ 1:13-1:42
  • This workshop is full of personal examples interwoven throughout. You may optionally replace any with your own examples, especially your own and/or local examples that would be useful for your group to know.

Main Workshop Assets:

  1. Main Slides
  2. Video 1 – 45 minutes: https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/creating-a-welcoming-and-diverse-space-part-1/
  3. Video 2 – 27 minutes: https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/creating-a-welcoming-and-diverse-space-part-2/

Assets available for reference:

  1. A video showing a way to run the first 2 sections (or you can just play this video instead): Diversity in WordPress: Why and what is it in your part of the world
  2. Training Script (this script is in the slides notes)
  3. Slides for the 5 video modules (you might to provide these if the video watch party is blurry)
  1. Main Slides
  2. Video 1 – 45 minutes: https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/creating-a-welcoming-and-diverse-space-part-1/
  3. Video 2 – 27 minutes: https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/creating-a-welcoming-and-diverse-space-part-2/
  4. Slides for the video presentation of the 5 modules
  5. Workbook
  6. Optional: Training Script (this script is in the slides notes)

See also Instructions to translate WPDiversity material

If any links on this page are broken, please alert #community-team in Making WordPress SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/.

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