First Steps

Planning Resources


In order to ensure that the same essential experience is covered at all KidsCamp events please ensure these expectations are carried out. If these aren’t something you agree with you should organize your event outside of the WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They’re one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. KidsCamp program.

  • The event should focus on the use of WordPress
  • The event should focus on internet safety
  • The WordPress site should be built using a host who is a Global Sponsor using The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization.
  • Email to request background checks for all volunteers for the event.


  • It is important to consider safety in where and how the event is held including the event being a child/parent co-participation activity
  • Find ways to make sure there is a creative aspect or challenge to the event
  • Age limits can be set by the camp and organizers based on what works for their region. The most commonly used age range is 6-14.

Slide Resources



Hosting Resources

There are several Global sponsors who have offered their hosting to be used for KidsCamps. Each one has a little bit different of a process and timeframe for the free account.


1 year free. No Credit Card Required.
Once approved by Bre for the camp, an email with attendee information needs to be sent including First Name, Last Name, and Email. Please send the list at least 2 days before camp. This will be used to provision the accounts prior to the event. This will allow day-of to run smoothly, where a Bluehost team member(s) can lead the camp. Can also provide Bluehost branded swag such as sunglasses if needed.


1 year free promotional code. No Credit Card Required. A new or existing GoDaddy customer account is required.

When submitting a request please include the expected amount of kids in attendance and the date of your camp. Requests should be submitted as early as possible but no later than 10 working days before the camp. A spreadsheet of promotional codes will be emailed to you to either handout in class or print on stickers to give to parents at registration.

Parents can use existing GoDaddy accounts or set up a new one here. You will need to set aside time to provision accounts during the class.




1 year free. No Credit Card Required.

When a KidsCamp is formed. The organizer will need to request X number of coupons. For example, if WordCamp Toronto has 100 kids expected, they will request 100 coupons. We will enable this coupon for this camp, and this camp will be provided to the organizer.

The organizer can then let the students/parents know to go to where they will enter in their username for their subdomain. Click Continue. On the second page, click “Have a Promotion Code Click here to Add it”, add it, which will zero out the cost. Then follow the on-screen instructions.

Upon completion, the account will automatically be provisioned and ready for the student. See the example of the email that will be sent to the student below.

At the KidsCamp, the instructor would then let everyone know how to install WordPress by using Softaculous.

The account will remain active for 1 year. 15-days before the 1 year period is over, they will get an email asking them if they would like to keep their account, if so, to reach out to GreenGeeks and If not, it will automatically be terminated.


Sample email:

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