This is the home of the Make Community team for the WordPress open sourceOpen SourceOpen Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project!
Here is where we have policy debates, project announcements, and assist community members in organizing events.
Everyone is welcome to comment on posts and participate in the discussions regardless of skill level or experience.
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This page is still under construction. Have suggestions? Let us know!
The Meetup Tracker is a tool that the Global Community Team uses to track all current groups, and new Meetup applications received via the form for the Meetup Chapter Program.
This tool is hosted in the dashboard of, and if you’re an active Community Program Supporter (Deputy) who has been vetting Meetup applications for the last 6 months, you should have received access to it already.
For instructions and tips on how to vet Meetup applications, please check the Community Team Supporters and Manager’s Handbook page “Application Review”. This page shows how to use the Meetup Tracker tool, and is not about vetting applications.
We imported all existing WordPress groups on September 7th, 2018 into the Meetup tracker. Any group that applied to the chapter before that date will not have application details in this new tool, but you will still be able to check their application details in HelpScout.
Any new Meetup application received from September 10th, 2018 will show up in the following page of the Meetup Tracker (see screenshot below):
If you’re going to vet Meetup applications, we recommend you to click “Needs Vetting” at the top of the page and then order by “Date”. That way, we always review applications from the older to the newest.
As you can see in the image above, you’ll be able to filter the list of Meetup groups by its status. In the next section, you’ll see all the different statuses available per Meetup custom post type.
All Meetup applications can have assigned one of the following statuses:
Needs Vetting
Awaiting Feedback
Needs orientation/interview
Scheduling [the orientation/interview]
Scheduled [the orientation/interview]
Needs site [a new group]
Needs transfer [to transfer the existing group into the chapter program]
Needs to assign new owner [second step of the transfer]
Changes requested
Active in the chapter
Removed from the chapter
Please send any invalid entries (e.g. duplicates or error submissions) to trash. Marking them as something like “Cancelled” or “Declined” will distort our stats.
All Meetup applications are received and marked initially with the status “Needs vetting” (see image above).
After you’ve vetted an application by filling in the review checklist, please copy/paste all that info into the “Add Private Note” text field. Then, based on the outcome of your vetting, you have some options:
Change the status to “Needs orientation/interview”
Mark as waiting for more information by adding the Meetup Tag “More info requested” and changing the status to “Awaiting Feedback”. This way the “Needs vetting” queue is more accurate.
Use the status “Cancelled” when the applicant doesn’t reply to our emails, or if they step down and are no longer interested in organizing the Meetup group.
Change the status to “Declined” when the application has been declined by us for different reasons: CoC, GPL or Trademark violation, etc.
After that, click the blue “Update” button, and all your private notes, status change, and tags added/deleted will be updated in the “Log” section near the bottom of the page (see image below).
Note: we’ll keep using HelpScout to communicate with our users, so don’t forget to add the HS ticket link to the field “HelpScout link” under the “Meetup Information” section.
As we used to do in the “Meetup Status Doc” sheet, we’ll track the supporter who managed the vetting, as well as the date of vetting, orientation and joining the chapter. This information is found near the middle of the page under “Application Information”.
So, don’t forget to add the date of the action, and your username and update the “Who contacted” fields! 🙂
Orientation is the opportunity for you to get to know the applicant(s) and the WordPress community they are representing. The orientation script is the guidance you can use.
These are the steps you have to do after an orientation:
Add notes about the applicant and groups to the meta box “Add Private Note”.
Update the ‘Orientation Date’ and ‘Oriented by’ fields under “Application Information”.
Create a site – please contact the Supporters who have permission to create a group.
Send an email to the applicant using ‘MEETUP: New Group Ready to Join’ saved reply on Help Scout.
Update the ‘Join chapter date’ and ‘Join chapter by’ fields under “Application Information”.
Add necessary tags based on the status on the tracker and on Help Scout.
Send welcome swag pack – please contact the Supporters who have permission to send swag.