Recaps and make/update updates

From every Community Team meeting, there will be recap written and posted to make/updates P2P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at for other WordPress project teams to get information about what’s happening in our team.

Updates should contain short chat recap about what has been discussed, links to relevant P2 posts which were in agenda, if some decisions has been made after last recap and also some informational numbers as well the change compared to numbers posted last time.

Below is a markdown boilerplate for writing the update.

The Community Team meets twice a month, first and third Thursday, at two different times to cover different timezones.

Agenda (link to agenda post) and Slack logs from July 18: 11:00 UTC (link to Slack) and 20:00 UTC (link to Slack)

## Program Supporters updates

As usual, Community Team members are busy doing Meetup and WordCamp application vetting, having organiser orientations, mentoring, organising events, replying to Help Scout tickets and helping organisers in general. Team and it's members have no blockers with their work,

## Ongoing discussions

_Links to relevant P2 posts, short description, and action points that come up during the meeting._

**[WordCamp PWA Retrospective](**
Leading up to WordCamp Europe, the organising team enchanted the to be progressive web application (PWA). The PWA was deployed right before WordCamp Europe 2019 and was tweaked during the event. Key feature of this version was offline mode and custom "Day of event" frontpage that showed real-time schedule to visitors. We are now gathering feedback how PWA development process went.

## Additional posts worth highlighting

_List of links to relevant posts_

- [WordPress meetup organizer newsletter: June 2019](

## Numbers

*Get fresh numbers and count the change.*

- **General**
  - **Active deputies**: *get from [Deputies list](*
  - **Active WordCamp mentors**: *get from [Deputies list](*
  - **HelpScout total conversations**: *get from [HS reports](*
  - **HelpScout messages received**: *get from [HS reports](* 

- **Meetups**
  - **Meetups needing vetting**: *get from [WordCamp Reports](, (select correct dates and Status: Needs vetting)*
  - **Meetups in chapter program**: *get from [WordCamp Reports](*
  - **Members in meetup groups**: *get from [WordCamp Reports](*
  - **New Meetups groups in chapter**: *get from [WordCamp Reports]( (select correct dates and Status: active in chapter), list all the meetup names and link to group on*
- **WordCamps**
  - **WordCamps needing vetting**: *get from [WordCamp Reports]( (select correct dates and Status: Needs vetting)*
  - **WordCamps in the schedule**: *get from [WordCamp Tracker](*
  - **WordCamp tickets sold**: *get from [WordCamp Tracker](, (select correct dates and look for first "Tickets sold" number)*
  - **New scheduled WordCamps**: *get from [WordCamp Reports]( (select correct dates and Status: Scheuled), list all the WordCamp names and link to their site.*
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