Program Wide Payment and Contract Intermission — 2024-12-20 – 2025-01-05

With most of the Program Managers who routinely handle WPCSWordPress Community Support WordPress Community Support PBC is a Public Benefit Corporation, created specifically to be the financial and legal support for WordCamps, WordPress Meetup groups, and any additional “official” events organized within the WordPress Community Events program. banking, and many program supporters offline to celebrate end of year holidays we’ll be pausing our payments program Saturday December 21 through Sunday January 5.

During this time we’ll halt all vendor payments, reimbursements, sponsor invoicing, sponsor payment attribution, and contract review and approval. If you’ll need to pay for goods or services during that time please submit all requests no later than Friday December 20th 10:00 UTC.

Requests and invoices submitted after Friday 20th will not likely be processed until Monday, January 6, 2025. Sponsor invoices paid during the intermission won’t be marked paid until after January 6, 2025.

Some program and event supporters will still be available by email at or on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at in the #community-events channel but response times are expected to be slow.

If you have any concerns or question please let us know as soon as possible!