Historically, our Camera Kit program has been essential to recording videos for WordPress.tv at minimal cost. Eight camera kits have been allocated in North America and eight in Europe.
Usage Statistics
The community’s interest in camera kits reflects their usage over the years. We can identify how frequently these kits have been utilized by examining the request data. As our in-person events resumed in 2022, we analyzed the requests from 2022 to the present.
North America
From 2022 to 2024, the request data shows limited utilization of the camera kits:
- 2022: 1 request
- 2023: 2 requests
- 2024: 0 request
This represents a low number of requests, indicating a limited interest from the community.
The European kits, despite being newer and refurbished in late 2022, also reflect a limited number of requests:
- 2022: 1 request
- 2023: 5 requests
- 2024: 1 request
While there was a slight increase in interest in 2023, the overall number of requests remains low, also suggesting a limited interest from the community.
Financial Expenditures
Maintaining, replacing, and shipping camera kits involves considerable expenditure annually. Here’s an overview of the financial details for both regions.
North America
The details regarding the initial purchase, ongoing maintenance, and shipping costs for North American kits are difficult to obtain due to the age and outdated nature of the equipment. However, the following points are worth noting:
- The current state of the North American kits indicates a need for refurbishment if we want to continue the program.
- Shipping and maintenance records are sparse, making it challenging to quantify the exact financial outlay over the years.
For European camera kits, more detailed financial records are available:
- Refurbishment Costs (2022): €11,866
- Shipping Costs (Nov 2022 — Present): $1,690.87
These figures clarify the ongoing investment required to keep the European kits operational and available for community events.
Current Locations and Management
The camera kits are located and managed to facilitate easy access and deployment:
- North America:
- Five camera kits are in America.
- One kit was transferred to Europe in 2022.
- Two kits are currently unaccounted for.
- Europe:
- All eight camera kits remain within Europe.
- The exact current locations and the tracking record are managed by our Program Manager Program Managers (formerly Super Deputies) are Program Supporters who can perform extra tasks on WordCamp.org like creating new sites and publishing WordCamps to the schedule., Timi Wahalahti (@sippis).
- Additionally, there is one kit that was received from North America, although its exact status, and whether it is the same kit sent in 2022 are unclear.
Analysis and Consideration for the Future
Given the current state of usage and financial investment in these camera kits, it is essential to consider the efficiency and impact of the program:
- Decreased Demand: The data from 2022 to 2024 highlights a notable decline in requests for camera kits. This trend suggests reduced needs or interests from the community, raising questions about the continued viability of maintaining these kits.
- Financial Burden: The ongoing costs for maintenance, refurbishment, and shipping are substantial, especially when weighed against the limited usage observed recently.
- Outdated Equipment: Particularly in North America, the kits are outdated and likely in need of replacement or significant upgrades to meet current standards and expectations.
- Storage Resources: Especially in North America, we are facing challenges in finding storage that can be easily accessed by event organizers.
The camera kits in North America and Europe have historically played a vital role in the WordPress event ecosystem. However, the declining usage and significant financial outlays necessitate reevaluating the program. The lack of efficiency and diminishing impact indicate that it may be time to consider closing the camera kit program or exploring alternative solutions to meet the community’s needs in a more cost-effective and impactful manner.
Moving forward, we announce the end of the North American Camera Kit program, we will update the relevant documentation, and continue the EU Camera Kit program and involve more contributors to manage the program.
Thank you, @_dorsvenabili and @naokomc, for contributing to this post.