Hello friends! It is time to host the next Monthly chat of the WordPress Contributor Working Group. We’re meeting this August (tomorrow – August 15th) to continue our work on improving the contribution experience of WordPress and to continue our work on mentorship programs. For more information on the working group and its plans, check out our launch post and past chats.
Meeting times
We will hold these chats in multiple time zones to accommodate as many participants all over the world as possible. These chats will continue to be held on the Third Thursday of every month.
The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file containing calendar entries for our upcoming chat so you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone interested in improving the contributor experience in WordPress and building future mentorship programs is welcome to attend!
Pinging some of our active working group members:
@adityakane, @aion11, @alexcu21, @alexdeborba, @askdesign, @casiepa, @chaion07, @coachbirgit, @colorful-tones, @courane01, @devmuhib, @estelaris, @foosantos, @gusa, @hellosatya, @javiercasares, @josepmoran, @juliarosia, @kafleg, @kirasong, @leonnugraha, @lighthouse79, @lumiblog, @matteoenna, @meher, @milana_cap, @mrinal013, @nao, @nhrrob, @nilovelez, @oglekler, @onealtr, @onemaggie, @patricia70, @pooja1210, @ratneshsonar, @rcreators, @realloc, @rogermedia, @sancastiza, @st810amaze, @sumitsingh, @tekNorah, @thehopemonger, @tobifjellner, @topher1kenobe, @unintended8, @voboghure, @webtechpooja, @yoga1103
1. Welcome, introductions, and check-ins
How is everyone doing? New members joining the group can also introduce themselves.
2. Mentorship Program Updates
We’ll be discussing our formal call for mentees, and steps towards finalizing the next cohort.
3. Mentorship Program Cohort #3 (Q4 2024) Implementation Steps
With our cohort formally starting in less than two months, let’s start working on setting things up! Since this is a big topic, let’s use most of our time towards this.
4. Working Closely with the Sustainability Team
Social Sustainability is a big part of what the Sustainability team does, which aligns with our group’s work. In fact, many of our group members actively participate in the Sustainability team too. Let’s discuss further on how we can work closely with that team going forward.
5. Questions, thoughts, and open floor!
If we still have time after all that intense discussion, we’ll open up the floor to discuss mentorship broadly and our program!
Looking forward to seeing many of you in the chat!
#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors #mentorship-chat #agenda