Events of the Month – March & April 2024

In an effort to provide some real-time information for event organizers and the community alike, Central is sharing monthly financial summaries for all the events of the prior month + any events from prior months that had not paid all invoices or submitted transparency reports by the month following their event. Below are links to the prior reports that have been shared:

February 2024

January 2024 

November & December 2023

October 2023

September 2023

Updates on WordCamps Held Before March with Open Budgets
WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Manila (November 11, 2023)
Final Tickets Sold: 289
Approved Attendee Total: 230 
Budget Notes*: Transparency Report reviewed and budget closed.
Final cost 492,728 PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. $8,869 USD and cost per person/per day of 1,705 PHP/ $31 USD.
Event closed with a contribution to Global Sponsorship funds of approximately 60,119 PHP/ $1,082 USD. 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
WordCamp Udaipur (December 2, 2023)
Final Tickets Sold: 300
Approved Attendee Total: 350
Budget Notes*: Transparency Report reviewed and budget closed.
Final cost 694,577 INR/ $8,335 USD and cost per person/per day of 2,315 INR/ $28 USD.
Event closed with a contribution to Global Sponsorship funds of approximately 23,220 INR/ $279 USD. 
Open Items – Finances: The surplus funds were sent to WC Pune 2024 to assist with final payments for their event.
WordCamp Ahmedabad (December 9, 2023)
Final Tickets Sold: 1051
Approved Attendee Total: 800 
Budget Notes*: Transparency Report received, reviewed, and follow up questions sent.
Open Items – Finances: Still awaiting answers from the organizers. A follow up check in was sent June 5, 2024. The last communication was April 17, 2024.
WordCamp Nepal (Jan 12 – 13)
Final Tickets Sold: 859
Approved Attendee Total: 800 
Budget Notes*: Transparency Report received and reviewed. All open questions answered.
Final cost 4,090,902 NPR/ $30,682 USD and cost per person/per day of 2,381 INR/ $18 USD.
Currently, the event reflects a contribution to Global Sponsorship funds of approximately 870,493 NPR/ $6,529 USD. 
Open Items – Finances: Still Awaiting final notes regarding the amount of 1 additional government subsidy in order to close the report.
WordCamp Zaragoza (Jan 19 – 20)
Final Tickets Sold: 260
Approved Attendee Total: 225 
Budget Notes*: Budget closed.
Final cost 19,283 EUR/ $21,019 USD and cost per person/per day of 37 EUR/ $40 USD.
Event closed with a contribution to Global Sponsorship funds of approximately 5,753 EUR/ $6,271 USD. 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
Kerala Photo Festival (Online) (Feb 3-10)
Final Tickets Sold: N/A (333 tickets were claimed for participation)
Approved Attendee Total:  N/A
Budget Notes*: Budget closed
Final cost $1,125 USD 
Event closed with a contribution to Global Sponsorship funds of approximately $123 USD 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
WordCamp Kansai (Feb 23-24)
Final Tickets Sold: 264
Approved Attendee Total: 260
Budget Notes*: Transparency Report reviewed and budget closed
Final cost 2,441,951 JPY/ $15,873 USD and cost per person/ per day of 4,609 JPY/ $30 USD
Event closed with a contribution to Global Sponsorship funds of approximately 126,963 JPY/ $825 USD 
Open Items – Finances: The surplus funds were returned to WPCSWordPress Community Support WordPress Community Support PBC is a Public Benefit Corporation, created specifically to be the financial and legal support for WordCamps, WordPress Meetup groups, and any additional “official” events organized within the WordPress Community Events program. for use in future events.
WordCamp and Events Held in March
Women’s WP Day, San José, Costa Rica (March 8)
Final Tickets Sold: 147
Approved Attendee Total: 120
Budget Notes*: Budget closed
Final cost $7,436 USD and cost per person/ per day of $50 USD
Event closed on budget. 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
Switzerland Community Day (March 23)
Final Tickets Sold: 55
Approved Attendee Total: 60
Budget Notes*: Budget closed
Final cost 4,813 EUR/ $5,247 USD and cost per person/ per day of 87 EUR/ $94 USD
Event closed with a contribution to Global Sponsorship funds of approximately 1,357 EUR/ $1,479 USD 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
WordCamp Torrelodones (March 23 – 24)
Final Tickets Sold: 225
Approved Attendee Total: 250
Budget Notes*: Budget closed
Final cost 28,234 EUR/ $30,763 USD and cost per person/ per day of 62 EUR/ $67 USD
Event closed with additional Global Sponsorship funds used of approximately 2,811 EUR/ $3,052 USD 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
WordCamp and Events Held in April
WordCamp Vienna (April 5 – 6)
Final Tickets Sold: 371
Approved Attendee Total: 355
Budget Notes*: Budget still open
Open Items – Finances: Payments still to be made for Audio/Visual, Food & Beverage, Signage, Speaker Events, and Venue.
WordCamp Chiclana (April 5 – 6)
Final Tickets Sold: 195
Approved Attendee Total: 200
Budget Notes*: Budget closed
Final cost 21,544 EUR/ $23,477 USD and cost per person/ per day of 54 EUR/ $59 USD
Event closed with additional Global Sponsorship funds used of approximately 1,566 EUR/ $1,701 USD 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
Masaka Education Showcase (April 6)
Final Tickets Sold: 60
Approved Attendee Total: 100
Budget Notes*: Transparency Report reviewed and open questions were sent on May 15, 2024. Still awaiting a reply.
Open Items – Finances: Still finalizing transparency report
WordCamp Gliwice (April 13 – 14)
Final Tickets Sold: 212
Approved Attendee Total: 262B
udget Notes*: Transparency report reviewed and budget closed
Final cost 113,430 PLN/ $28,358 USD and cost per person/ per day of 232 PLN/ $58 USD
Event closed with a contribution to Global Sponsorship funds of approximately 5,429 PLN/ $1,357 USD 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
WordCamp Bilbao (April 20 – 21)
Final Tickets Sold: 182
Approved Attendee Total: 250
Budget Notes*: Budget closed
Final cost 22,033 EUR/ $24,016 USD and cost per person/ per day of 59 EUR/ $65 USD
Event closed with additional Global Sponsorship funds used of approximately 1,310 EUR/ $1,428 USD 
Open Items – Finances: No open items
WordCamp Leipzig (April 20)
Final Tickets Sold: 65
Approved Attendee Total: 90
Budget Notes*: Budget still open
Open Items – Finances: No expenses paid for this event yet. Awaiting requests for Audio/Visual, Food & Bev, Signage, and Venue.
YouthCamp Kozhikode (April 27 – 28)
Final Tickets Sold: 123
Approved Attendee Total: 175
Budget Notes*: Still awaiting Transparency Report. Budget still open
Open Items – Finances: An email was sent requesting the report on May 15, 2024. No response has been received yet.

Budget Notes*: If an event was able to raise more sponsorship income or ticket income, or the expenses were less than amounts listed in the approved budget, the additional funds are contributed back to the Global Sponsorship fund. If, on the other hand, an organizing team raises less sponsorship income or ticket income than planned, or expenses are higher than originally budgeted, the additional amount needed to cover all expenses is covered by the Global Sponsorship fund and will be stated as additional Global Sponsorship funds used.

The goal of WordPress events is to provide a space where community members can come together and share knowledge, build relationships with other members and sponsors, and spread love for WordPress. The goal is never to make money. Because WordPress Community SupportWordPress Community Support WordPress Community Support PBC is a Public Benefit Corporation, created specifically to be the financial and legal support for WordCamps, WordPress Meetup groups, and any additional “official” events organized within the WordPress Community Events program. pays taxes on any net income at year end, we strive to hold events where income is equal to expenses.

Transparency Report**: WordCamps that run funds through WordPress Community Support (WPCS) – meaning WPCS collects ticket income and sponsorship income, and pays vendors directly – are not required to submit a Transparency Report. 

Alternatively, organizing teams that run money locally collect all or some of the ticket income and sponsorship income directly. The team then uses the collected funds to pay expenses of the event. The organizing team is responsible for completing a transparency report after the event where they submit receipts/documentation for all expenses, support for ticket income collected, and support for sponsorship income collected. More info can be found here
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#community-team, #events-of-the-month, #wordcamps