Community Team January Meeting Recap

Attendance: @bobdunn-trainer, @golosins, @jonoaldersonwp, @joostdevalk, @michelleames, @nukaga, @patricia70, @peiraisotta, @samsuresh, @st810amaze, @tacoverdo, @webtechpooja

Notes: @peiraisotta, @st810amaze

This recap is a summary of the Community Team monthly meeting. It will cover the discussion points, ideas, and decisions that came up during the meeting. The aim of this recap is to provide a quick overview for those who were unable to attend as well as an overview for everyone. These meetings were based on the Agenda for January and are held in our #community-team SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel on Make WordPress.

You can find the meeting chat log here:

Please leave your comments if you have any feedback. 

Additionally, each agenda item discussed may have its own Make post related to its topic with more information and you can add to the discussion directly to that post.

Chat Summary

Here are some discussion points from the meeting.

New WordPress Events Page

Contributor Working Group

Action Items

Next Meeting

Community Team Meetings are held the first Thursday of every month. There are two meetings to support different time zones. The meetings will take place on #community-team on Slack.

Call for Meeting Facilitators

The Community Team Monthly Meetings happen on the first thursdays of every month. These meetings can be facilitated and run by any member of the community team, and is a great opportunity to engage with the rest of the community and team.

If you are interested in facilitating any of these meetings in the future, please feel free to comment or get in touch with any of the Community Team Reps.

If you wish to add points to discuss, comment on this post or reach out to one of the team reps: @peiraisotta, @Shusei, @leo, or @nukaga

#community-team, #meeting