Recap of the Diverse Speaker Training group (#WPDiversity) AMER/EMEA on April 26, 2023

Attending: @askdesign, @dashifen, @jillbinder, @julia, @martatorre, @onealtr, @sc0ttkclark, @wpfangirl

Host: @askdesign



0 – Checkins
1 – First time here
2 – Who we are (@jillbinder) + Comments, questions, ideas (anyone)

@jillbinder described our programs and how to get involved.

3 – Q1 review and profile badges + Q2 plans (@jillbinder)

We met all of the Q1 goals:

  • 1 Diverse Speaker workshop (we held 2!)
  • Support the community on  how to run the Diverse Speaker workshop
  • 1 Inclusion workshop
  • 1 follow-up Inclusion SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at chat
  • Speaker placement: At least 1 person applies to speak, gets accepted to speak, or gets mentorship in our channel a month
  • At least 25% workshop participants join the Diverse Speaker Support Slack channel
  • At least 1 new volunteer

Our Q2 goals:

  • Support the community on how to run the Diverse Speaker workshop
  • 1 Inclusion workshop (reach 7+ cities, Preparedness to run an inclusive event increase 30%+)
  • 1 follow-up Inclusion Slack chat
  • Speaker placement: At least 1 person applies to speak, gets accepted to speak, or gets mentorship in our channel a month
  • At least 1 new volunteer

Stretch goals:

  • Team dashboard
  • Slack translation tool add-on
  • Diversity in Spain: @martatorre is working on a few projects
  • Simplifying our team’s handbook page – @dashifen offered to help
  • Creating a page for marketing to link to

– Recent & Upcoming workshops (@jillbinder)

Organizing Diverse and Inclusive WordPress Events Follow-up Slack discussion – April 20, 2023. It was a really lively chat!

  • 14 people
  • 6 countries (India, Luxembourg, Mexico, Philippines, Uganda, United States)
  • 14 cities

Our first Inclusion workshop for APAC is May 13, 2023: Organizing Diverse & Inclusive WordPress Events APAC

– WPDiversity APAC (@onealtr)

@onealtr shared upcoming WC WordCamps and events

6 – Diversity in Spain project (@martatorre)

At WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Barcelona next week:

7 – WPDiversity t-shirts (@martatorre)

@martatorre gave the update that our team has a 20% off discount coupon for the diversity t-shirt in the WordPress Swag Store

– Speaker Wins Game (@jillbinder)

@jillbinder gave an update on our April Speaker Wins game in the diverse-speaker-support channel gaining momentum

9 – Other Updates + Next meeting host (anyone)

@askdesign offered to host again unless someone else wants the role

@jillbinder shared a blog post from a workshop participant about their journey from the workshop to speaking at WordCamp Kerala

@jillbinder is working with @planningwrite on how her Support Inclusion in Tech and our #WPDiversity program can improve how we support one another
