As announced last week the Contributor Working Group of the Make/Community team is relaunching with an exclusive focus on building a Projectwide Mentorship Program for WordPress. The group will have its initial chat today to formally kick off work on the mentorship program.
Inaugural Meeting times
To make accommodations for as many timezones as possible, we will be holding these chats in multiple timezones:
The chat will be held on the #community-team channel of the Make/WordPress Slack. Here’s the link to a handy `.ics` file which contains calendar entries for our upcoming chat, so that you won’t miss it. These chats have also been added to the Make/Meetings calendar. Everyone who is interested in building a mentorship program is welcome to attend these chats.
Looping in folks that had expressed interest in joining the program: @williamsba1, @webtechpooja, @megabyterose, @tobifjellner, @wolfpaw, @soulseekah, @courtneypk, @kirasong, @tobifjellner, and @amethystanswers @nao @sereedmedia @nomadskateboarding @javiercasares @courane01 @leogopal @milana_cap @unintended8 @mysweetcate @sereedmedia @askdesign @lesleysim @adityakane @itsjustdj @evarlese @leonnugraha @prathameshp @javiercasares @jeffpaul, and @desrosj.
1. Welcome and introductions
Who’s in the group? Let’s quickly get to know each other.
2. Clarifying Group Responsibilities
Clarifying what our responsibilities and goals are
3. Brief Introduction to the Mentorship Program
What is the proposed mentorship program? Brief discussion and brainstorming on how to make it successful.
4. Next steps and Identifying Volunteers
What are we going to do next? How will we begin working towards our goals? We also start identifying volunteers for different tasks.
5. Next meeting
When will we meet again? What regular schedule would work well?
Looking forward to seeing you at our chats!
#contributor-working-group #mentorship-program #wpcontributors
#mentorship-chat, #mentorship-chat-agenda