I have been told that I can post here to start a discussion about it, so here it is
For years, I found it annoying that we have a Twitter field in the WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. ticket form for attendees (and in the sponsor entry).
Why Twitter? and especially why Twitter only?
With the recent events happening at Twitter (lack of free speech despite its new owner’s declarations, some journalists being banned, mastodon links banned), I wanted to suggest something that has been on my mind for years: a change in attendees and sponsor entries.
We must be aware that the inclusive WordPress community should not keep “pushing” people to have a Twitter account if they want to add a link to their attendee entry, especially now with recent changes there.
Of course, we cannot display a series of links on attendees’ page or printed badge, and we cannot have a long link on printed badges.
What are the possibilities?
- ask people to enter their profile.wordpress.org The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. https://wordpress.org/ link? or Gravatar Is an acronym for Globally Recognized Avatar. It is the avatar system managed by WordPress.com, and used within the WordPress software. https://gravatar.com/.? Linktree? About.me kind of pages?
problem: not every attendee has a wp org profile or one of the other services I mention
- let everyone enter 1 freely chosen link that can be a long address (and that can be a Twitter address OR another one, chosen by the attendee).
-> it cannot be printed on WordCamp printed badges as some will be too long
-> would we need to moderate the links?
same as above, let everyone enter 1 freely chosen link and have the WordCamp system create a shortlink? A QR code? both? for the attendee page and the printed badges.
problem: this feature would need yet to be created and implemented in the WordCamp sites
any other idea that I would love to read in the comments
Thank you very much, I’m looking forward to reading what everyone thinks about that.