Attending: @bobdunn-trainer @jillbinder @juliarosia @leogopal @onealtr @santanainniss @sc0ttkclark @volkswagenchick
Facilitator: @leogopal
1 Attendance and check-ins (everyone)
2 First time here
3 Comments, questions, ideas (anyone)
- @jillbinder asked about collecting DEI links, which lead to a larger discussion about current handbook pages
4 Workshops (Speaker and Inclusion) (@jillbinder)
Results from workshops:
5 Marketing (@santanainniss)
6 APAC WPDiversity Network Building (@onealtr)
- @onealtr shared with the APAC WordCamps that just concluded in the past few weeks, and the WordCamps coming up this year and early next year.
- There is a conscious effort to make sure there is diversity in speaker selections. For WC Asia, there is a 65% asian speaker selection, with the rest from all over the world. And the speakers are about 35% women.
7 Diverse Speaker Support channel (@jillbinder)
@jillbinder posted about:
- the Speaker Mentor Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. Coordinator opportunity
- new ideas for Zoom calls in the channel
8 Streaming watch parties (@jillbinder)
- @jillbinder asked for help with figuring out how to stream videos within videos for our watch parties to make it a better viewing experience. @onealtr is going to research it.
9 End of year updates (@jillbinder)
- December 14, 2022 will be the last #WPDiversity meeting of the year
- Year-end self-reviews – Due December 31, 2022
10 Other Updates + Next meeting facilitator (anyone)