Attending: @jillbinder, @juliarosia, @katiejrichards, @onealtr, @santanainniss, @sc0ttkclark, @volkswagenchick
Facilitator: @jillbinder
1 Attendance and check-ins (everyone)
2 First time here
3 Comments, questions, ideas (anyone)
4 Marketing (@santanainniss)
- @santanainniss shared the good results from marketing the Inclusion workshop and impact quotes.
5 Workshops (Speaker and Inclusion) (@jillbinder)
- Reported great results from India Women Speakers workshop
- Reported results from Inclusion workshop in October and asked for feedback
- Upcoming workshops:
- October 29, 2022 @ 10am–6pm CST: Women Speakers in Latin America
- November 17, 2022 @ 10am-11am Pacific: “Organizing Diverse & Inclusive Events” Follow-up Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at chat
- Wednesday, December 7 @ 10am-12pm Pacific: Our next Diverse Speaker workshop
- Looking for folks who would like to start learning to facilitate these workshops.
6 APAC WPDiversity Network Building (@onealtr)
7 Diverse Speaker Support channel (@kcrockett, @juliarosia, @jillbinder)
- @jillbinder is starting up a new way of inviting speaker workshop participants to the #diverse-speaker-support channel: required with registration unless someone has a good reason not toyou have a good reason not to
- First experiments were “not required but encouraged” — 50% of India workshop participants joined. The rest did not have a Slack account.
- @juliarosia asked about the upcoming Latin America workshop, and how the Spanish-speaking participants will engage with the channel. We talked about a few ideas.
8 Upcoming events page (@jillbinder)
9 Daylight savings — changing the meeting time in November (@jillbinder)
- Starting on November 6th, 2022 and going until March 13, 2023, when daylight savings time ends, we are going to move our meeting to 6pm UTC.
10 Other Updates + Next meeting facilitator (anyone)