Diverse Speaker Training group (#WPDiversity) Chat Agenda | Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The Diverse Speaker Training group (#WPDiversity) meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 5-6pm UTC. The next meeting is tomorrow. It takes place in the #community-team SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. channel.

We welcome new volunteers! Come drop in and see if you enjoy what we do.


  1. The announcement went out and the new programs are live!
  2. Welcoming any new volunteers who come to the meeting
  3. Join our 2 channels on the WordPress Slack for our 2 new programs: #diverse-speaker-support and #community-events
  4. Our two workshops coming up: Allyship on Thurs, Aug 19th and Diverse Speakers a week later either on Fri, Aug. 27 or Sat, Aug. 28. We would like everyone on the team to have attended at least one Allyship and at least one Diverse Speakers workshop.
  5. Small volunteer ask: Help with on-boarding August Diverse Speaker workshop participants onto #diverse-speaker-support
  6. Small volunteer ask: Reach out to a list of people in our group who have qualified for the Community badge
  7. Small volunteer ask: Reviewing and editing our new Handbook doc describing our new programs
  8. Open discussion

If for any reason you cannot attend the meeting live but still want to be involved, please comment on the post to introduce yourself. Share a bit about your WP background and what area you want to help with.

Please leave a comment of anything else that should be added to the agenda for discussion.