This is the home of the Make Community team for the WordPress open sourceOpen SourceOpen Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project!
Here is where we have policy debates, project announcements, and assist community members in organizing events.
Everyone is welcome to comment on posts and participate in the discussions regardless of skill level or experience.
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This year, the Community team has refocused on increasing training and support for deputiesProgram SupporterCommunity Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook. and mentorsEvent SupporterEvent Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues.. In reflecting on our team structure, I was reminded of @chanthaboune‘s observations on WordPress contributor team structures and the many paths to leadership. It seemed timely to revisit that and think about how Community team contributors are involved, and to give clarity to roles and responsibilities.
As a reminder, the five stages of volunteering include:
Contributors can spend any amount of time in any of these stages, and each stage builds upon another.
In thinking about Community team structure, it seems like these are the corresponding roles:
Mentors and Deputies
MentorEvent SupporterEvent Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. Advisors* and Super DeputiesProgram ManagerProgram Managers (formerly Super Deputies) are Program Supporters who can perform extra tasks on like creating new sites and publishing WordCamps to the schedule.
The chart below helps to explain the thought process behind this ladder.
*Mentor Advisors is not currently a defined role on the Community team, but a role that members have suggested “formalizing”, in hopes of offering enhanced support to new and existing WordCampWordCampWordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. mentors.
A few observations
In thinking this through, I wanted to call out a few observations.
It is not uncommon for a new contributor to join at either the first, second, or even third stages, and in pretty rapid succession.
From my perspective, “ladder levels” #3 and above (engaging, performing, leading) of Organizers, Mentors and Deputies, and Mentor Advisors and Super Deputies are all leadership roles. It is pretty special that our barrier to entry is fairly low for a leadership role!
One challenge that the Community team has had historically is differentiation of a deputyProgram SupporterCommunity Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook. and super deputyProgram ManagerProgram Managers (formerly Super Deputies) are Program Supporters who can perform extra tasks on like creating new sites and publishing WordCamps to the schedule., so I’ve tried to outline some of the responsibilities here.
What do you think?
What are your thoughts on this Community team contributor ladder? What questions come to mind? What adjustments would you make?
Please share your thoughts by Friday, April 23, 2021. While no decisions are coming out of this discussion, this is helpful information to share with all Community team contributors and could be handy material for our handbooks.