In the coming 4 weeks we’ll focus on the Diverse Speaker Training Series presented by @jillbinder–with the help of some other amazing contributors. Whether you’re someone who would like to get more comfortable in your skills as a speaker or you’re an organizer looking to diversify your roster of speakers and find for ways to support those in your group with training, I can’t strongly enough recommend that you use these workshops and participate in discussion groups for them.
This workshop is for people from marginalized or underrepresented groups who are thinking about speaking at WordPress events. You do not need to have any experience in public speaking, and this workshop is for all levels of experience.
Introduction and topic selection.
Learning Objectives for this workshop
- Understand myths that prevent people from speaking publicly
- Identify any of your personal fears that have stopped you from public speaking
- Generate several topics that you could speak about
- Learn the different types of talk formats
You can watch the video here!
Comprehension questions
- What are some common myths that prevent people from speaking publicly?
- What is impostor syndrome?
- What are some topics that you came up with during your brainstorm? Were you able to choose and refine any topics?
- What are some of the different talk formats? Are there any in particular that you would like to give?
Talk about it
Now that you’ve taken something away from the workshop I hope you’ll take this all a step further and join a live discussion group to discuss the content with others who have watched it as well. You can find discussion groups specific to any of the workshops you find on Learn.WordPress here on
You’re also welcome to bring your thoughts and questions here in the comments!
#tuesdaytrainings, #wpdiversityworkshops