In January of this year, the global community team A group of community organizers and contributors who collaborate on local events about WordPress — monthly WordPress meetups and/or annual conferences called WordCamps. posted a request for suggestions for 2020 goals that saw a lot of substantive ideas and suggestions. Of course, this year turned out to be nothing like anyone expected, and COVID-19 forced us to entirely change the way we support the WordPress community. With in person events still on hold, and the brand new Learn WordPress platform being live, it seems timely to start the discussion on 2021 goals.
If you’d like to see past brainstorming posts, we have them from 2020, 2018, 2017, and 2016.
Please consider this an open thread for suggestions about what this team ought to focus on and/or try to accomplish in 2021. As in past years, you are welcome to suggest ideas that have already been suggested in the past, or to propose things that are entirely new!
We will leave this post open for comments until Monday, December 14 to give everyone time to make their suggestions. After that, we will summarize all suggestions (example) and discuss as a group to set our priorities. If you would like to help summarize the suggestions, please reach out to @angelasjin on the Making WP Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at!
What do you think the global community team should or could work on, to help further our mission to connect WordPress enthusiasts, inspire people to do more with WordPress, and contribute to the WordPress open source Open Source denotes software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified. Open Source **must be** delivered via a licensing model, see GPL. project, in 2021?
#goals #highlight