Summary: We talked about how our workshops went in October, the Intermediate workshop series coming up in November, Spanish translations, Community badges, working on our annual report for consideration for the upcoming State of the Word This is the annual report given by Matt Mullenweg, founder of WordPress at WordCamp US. It looks at what we’ve done, what we’re doing, and the future of WordPress., finding roles for a new volunteer, and how confusing it currently is to find what workshops we have upcoming.
Attending: @jillbinder, @tantienhime, @onealtr, @cguntur
1. October review
In October, we experimented with a new format: Encouraging people to watch our pre-recorded workshops up on Learn WordPress and then join us for discussions. Both @angelasjin and I held discussions at different times.
It’s too early to say if this format is successful. I’m pretty sure we both experienced similar things: low attendance and almost everyone had not watched the videos. I think we both had maybe 1 or 2 people who had watched the correct video for the correct day.
It sounds like we had some valuable discussions in some of the sessions. Mine were assisted greatly by having a group of experienced speakers attending as mentors Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues.. They helped the conversation flow, and even used the opportunity to get some coaching on topics.
@miriamgoldman held a “Train the Trainers aka Learn How to Run Our Workshop For Your Group” on Saturday. No one attended.
2. Upcoming November Intermediate workshop series
This Fall, we have been alternating our regular workshop series with Intermediate topics for people who have given a talk before, or who are willing to go deeper before giving a talk.
We are holding our next Intermediate series in a few weeks:
- Tuesday, 17 November 2020, at 6:00-7:00 PM UTC: Improving your proposal for your online WP talk
- Wednesday, 18 November 18 2020 at 6:00-7:00 PM UTC: Intermediate online stage presence
- Thursday, 19 November 2020, at 6:00-7:00 PM UTC: Story-telling for tech talks
The third is new. It is a popular request! We talk a lot in our work about creating a story out of your topic. People have been asking how to do that, especially for talking about technology. So we will go over some story-telling structures that work well.
We are looking for volunteers to help out. Do some background admin work during the sessions. Help answer advanced questions. Give feedback on people’s topics on day 1, and possibly on their story structure on day 3, if there is time for that.
We also would like help with getting the word out about this series. The Marketing team will be putting out messages about it about a week before. It’ll be great if members of our team could help share those.
I’m keeping my eyes open for someone who can help with communicating with the Marketing team when we have a workshop to promote, and watching for when their social media promos go out so you can let our team know that they are ready to be shared.
@tantienhime: Can we set up a notification when they send it out? kind of like when they send a tweet on the official account to slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at that way we get notified and we can send it out?
@jillbinder: That’s an interesting question, @tantienhime. I wonder if there is a way to do that. I know that they post on accounts that have more activity than just what we do… But I’m pretty sure (I can check) that they give our promos a specific tag… I can check if they already know, and otherwise, see if anyone on our team can research it….
3. Translations
I am thrilled that @pastelito has taken on the leadership for getting our workshop translated into Spanish. There are about 5 people who are working on the translations right now. I believe they have a goal to try to finish by November 13th!
We also want to get our Learn WordPress videos captioned in Spanish, and the first step for that is getting them captioned into English. @angelasjin and I are taking the first steps to see what resources we have within the WordPress community for this.
Japan has translated into Japanese. They sent us more feedback on it today. So happy to see this.
4. Community badges
It is a new initiative that people who have contributed significantly for at least a month to working groups can now have the Community badge on their WordPress profile. Woohoo!
I have finished most of what I need to do on my end for it. The last item is contacting people to let them know that they have earned it and get them to submit the request on their end. I have contacted about 70% of the people on my list. A handful more to go!
5. Working on the annual report
It is the time of year that we put together our stats and submit for consideration being featured in Matt’s State of the Word speech.
Numbers haven’t been finalized, but I will say that this has been an INCREDIBLE year. Despite all odds of what 2020 has thrown at us, we have pivoted and been very successful!
6. Other
@onealtr and I chatted about how joining the team and how to help out.
@onealtr and @tantienhime also asked about finding our workshops…
@onealtr: so there are some events on Meetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. and others on Eventbrite?
@jillbinder: @onealtr, I know, it’s confusing right now.
Our “normal / regular” workshops are by eventbrite.
Our experiment with running “discussions” are on the Learn WordPress meetup group.
@jillbinder: You can always find the right link by checking our posts on the Community blog here:
This is an area that might benefit from your help? Figuring out if there is a way to be more clear about what we have upcoming?