As previously announced, a working group is being formed to focus on the maintenance and management of Learn WordPress. The responsibilities of this group will include:
- Overseeing the development of the site, ensuring that the needed features are built in a timely manner.
- Managing the workshop submission and review process.
- Managing the discussion groups and working to keep them active and relevant.
- Ensuring that the lesson plans remain up to date, and new ones are added as the need arises.
- Seeking out contributors for all areas of the site – lesson plans, workshops, and discussion groups.
- Planning and implementing enhancements to improve the experience and effectiveness of the platform.
- Attending regular meetings in Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at to update on progress and engage in real-time discussions around the work being done.
The individuals who volunteered for this working group are: @hlashbrooke, @courane01, @iignacio, @rmarks, @rickyblacker, @kpdaa, @adityakane, @manzwebdesigns, @chaion07 & @sippis
Our first meeting will take place on Friday, 4 September 2020 at 10:00am UTC in the #community-team
channel in the Making WordPress Slack group (register for Slack here). The primary purpose of this meeting is for everyone to meet for the first time and to deicde what areas each individual will focus on. Here’s an agenda we will follow, but I expect plenty of discussion branching off this:
1. Welcome and introductions
Who’s in the group?
2. Group responsibilities
What are the group responsibilities and what do they each entail?
3. Volunteers for leadership roles
Are there any areas of team responsibility that you would like to take a leadership role in?
4. Next steps
What are we going to do next? How is Learn WordPress going to grow?
5. Next meeting
When will we meet again? What regular schedule would work well?
See you there!