Attending: @sunsand187 @melindahelt
We Covered
- Updates from volunteers.
- Need for Researchers.
- Discuss Meeting Time Change (requested by potential contributors)
- Discuss next steps.
Updates from Volunteers
@sunsand187 Mentioned some outside help that was received this week “Laura Coronado with WebDev Studios revamped our template doc this week as part of WDS 5FTF initiative! This was a HUGE help.”
This doc has now been moved to Ready for Final Review in Trello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the team uses for example:
The goal is to spend about 12 months creating, documenting and polishing the documents and then creating a handbook on the site for all organizers to easily access.–AZQlFlZU7eZKdGm_j7OFHj2bAg-kxmOjjycWysa3jFYoaBTv
Needs for Researching
We have several camps looking to add on kids events in various states and need some help vetting laws and requirements.
We need to document a process for new camps that will provide easy to follow steps.
@michelebutcher-jones is going to work through some of the Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri laws and report back in the coming weeks.
@sunsand187 mentioned having a grading system to eventually rate how easy it is to hold a kids event in a particular state, but also said that is a ways down the road.
Meeting Time Change Request
It has been requested that we move the meeting an hour or so earlier
I will make a post on P2 P2 or O2 is the term people use to refer to the Make WordPress blog. It can be found at about this, but I think one of two things can be done.
- Early morning Thursday Meeting AND Thursday at 5EST/2100UTC
- Move the meeting 2 hours earlier.
Please comment on this post to indicate your preference.
Translations and Editing
We still need editors and researchers. If you know anyone who is good with hunting down legal research and making legal speak sound human or if you are good with editing documentation we could use your help.
Please comment if you are available to edit and/or do some research.
Project Management Information
So I know a lot of people expressed interest but not everyone made it to todays meeting. I am sure more people will be getting involved over time. I did create a Trello Board so that we have some jumping off points for anyone to just dive in and start on micro pieces.
Next Actions
- @sunsand187 Will Document process for a new camp to vet state laws and requirements.
- Team, Look over Trello and this post to stay up to date and provide feedback.
- @michelebutcher-jones is working on state laws for Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky and MIssouri
Next Meeting is Thursday, 9 May 2019, 2000 UTC/ 4pm EST. This chat will occur in the Make WordPress Community-Team Slack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at channel.