Call for Volunteers: 2019 Global Sponsorship Working Group

Do you love looking at spreadsheets, balance sheets, PNLs, and budget projections? Do you really know your way around a sponsorship deck? If the answer to either (or both!) of these questions is, “YES!” then you might be interested in joining the 2019 global sponsorship working group.

The WordPress Global Sponsorship Program (born in 2013 as the Multi-Event Sponsorship Program), provides financial support to WordPress community events around the world. It’s time to analyze the program yet again and come up with a proposal for the 2019 edition.

We’d like to post a proposal for the 2018 Global Sponsorship Program no later than November 7, hoping to be able to send it to sponsors by November 14. I’d like to gather a group of 5-7 people to work on this short project. @kcristiano and I will be two of the people in the group, so we’re looking for an additional 3-5 volunteers.

Time commitment: 2-4 hours of independent program analysis time plus two 1-hour video conference meetings, all between October 22-Nov 2.

Experience required: accounting experience with organizations with an annual gross income of $4M and over AND/OR experience analyzing/reviewing multiple sponsorship decks per year. WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. fundraising experience is also strongly preferred.

If you have skills/experience and the interest/time, please comment on this post! We’ll announce the working group members by October 17, and I’ll reach out on October 19 to group members to schedule the two video meetings. #global-sponsorship