Info For New Members To The Diversity Outreach Speaker Training Team

Creating this post to have everything in one easy link that I can share as we get new members.

Purpose of this team:

Call for Volunteers: Diversity Outreach Speaker Training

What we’ve done so far and where we’re going:

Diversity Speaker Outreach Training Group Onboarding / Summary

Current focus for main team members:

Run the workshop! In person or online. Let us know if you’d like training.

Please let us know if you run it. We keep track of where it’s been run for our own info, to report to the WordPress community, and for our annual stats.

Bi-weekly Meetings

We meet 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 5pm UTC in the main WordPress SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at #community-team channel. Usually it’s 30 min and we allow for up to 60 min as needed.


Out in the world and on the Community blog, for now we use the hashtag #WPWomenSpeak

Promoting our work

We send out this link to the world to explain to folks what we’re doing and have them express interest in running the workshop and/or receiving training from us. Please help spread the word!
