Recap of the Diversity Outreach Speaker Training meeting on July 11, 2018

Attending: @jillbinder, @miriamgoldman



  • We had one or two new sign-ups to run our diversity speakers training workshop since our last meeting.
  • I don’t think any new groups have run it.
  • We get most of our signups from the monthly MeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. newsletter. There have been fewer lately but usually at least one comes in. It’s been our best promotion so far so it’s worth always doing.
  • The other best way to get the word out so far is talking about it at WordCamps, so a reminder to please keep doing that.


  • The schedule for WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Montreal has been released, so I can talk about my talk now.
  • I’ll be talking about the importance of community, and how to get involved. When I get to the “get involved” portion, I’ll be talking about our team, and the important work we are doing, and how it helps the WordPress community evolve.
  • I’m hoping that I can get a case study to include. It’s a full length talk, so our team will get a significant feature.


  • Seattle is an excellent case study. They ran our workshop many times last year in different parts of Seattle, and between that and other efforts that they made, they had the highest number of women speakers at WordCamp Seattle 2017. 60%!
  • And quite a few of them joined *our* team because they benefited from it so much they wanted to give back.
  • It would be worth interviewing them to find out what other changes happened in their community as a result.


  • Oh, yes. Open call then to anyone on the team! Please contact me if you don’t mind being interviewed and having some bullet points featured in a WordCamp talk!


  • Montreal too. They’ve been doing amazing work with the workshop for years and have had amazing results in their community. @zoonini is the contact for that, of course.


  • That would actually make sense to tie in…since I’m speaking in Montreal. OK, will pingPing The act of sending a very small amount of data to an end point. Ping is used in computer science to illicit a response from a target server to test it’s connection. Ping is also a term used by Slack users to @ someone or send them a direct message (DM). Users might say something along the lines of “Ping me when the meeting starts.” @zoonini later!


  • Oh yeah, of course. Speaking in Montreal and talking about how this work affected *their* community.
  • It would be nice if we get new cities too… which brings me to my main agenda item for today.
  • We are close to being ready to start following up with MeetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. to find out how the workshop went for them, and to collect some more info as well.
  • @dianewallace and @miriamgoldman will be on this for us. I’m just in discussion right now with @andreamiddleton about some of the bigger picture items about it.
  • So we have a draft of questions to send to the Meetups, but Andrea and I are talking about the purpose behind it and given the purpose, how to let folks know how it’ll be used and if it should be long-form email questions or short-form likert questionnaire questions.
  • I’m currently partial to keeping it long-form and informal. Part of what I think the purpose is is to give folks support and care after they have run it. We help them all the way up and them boom, drop them. But we want to hear how it went, what can be improved, etc.
  • Also global WordPress is interested in hearing about what kinds of changes do different regions need to make, which can inform other global WordPress initiatives.
  • So this is the current draft, and it is subject to change:


We’re thrilled that you recently ran a Diversity Outreach Speaker Training and we would love to get some feedback from you on what worked and what we could improve.

1. Did you run it for a specific underrepresented group or for your general community? If a group, which one?

2. What worked well in the material provided?

3. Is there anything we could do to improve the material?

4. Did you find the workshop relevant for your region in the world? Did you have to change anything to make it work?

5. Finally, please feel free to give us any other feedback or ideas you would like to share we us.

Kind Regards,

The Diversity Outreach Speaker Training Team

  • I’m interested to hear what you think the bigger purpose should be, if you have any thoughts on that, anyone here or who is reading later.
  • I’ll likely defer to what @andreamiddleton thinks it should be, but it doesn’t hurt for us to think about it too. I sent her a proposal of my own thoughts, but that was right before this meeting so we haven’t discussed that yet.
  • But I was thinking that:

#1 (which group and what did they change for their region)
#4 (change for their region)

could be published for all,

and the rest would just be for our own info.
For example I heard from 2 groups early this year that slides were needed, so I made slides.


  • Agreed. Maybe #5 if there is anything that would be worth sharing publically.


  • So kind of an ongoing changes as needed as they make sense situation.


  • 2-3 would definitely help us evolve the material. Which should always be evolving over time!


  • Yes it should! Always be evolving. I can’t tell you how much evolution it has already gone under since we started it in 2013!
  • Ohh, maybe something about letting us know changes to the community, too. Like if speakers step up to be organizers and leaders.


  • Agreed on the changes to the community! I’m a perfect example of that, lol


  • Yes! Sooo wonderful, @miriamgoldman!
  • I also want to follow up with people in our team about their plans for running it, and if anyone wants to start training, or sitting in on train the trainers that @lswanson and I run.
  • Which is best done after they’ve run it themselves, but doesn’t /have/ to wait for that.


  • I’m hoping to get started on training later this summer/early fall.
  • As for taking on a trainer role, from the train the trainers training I did, that will be around the same time

My focus is currently on WCMTL


  • Yes of course. That is a big focus! And will be a big benefit to our team, too.
  • I believe @lswanson is still working on getting our Train The Trainers version of the workshop up online.
  • As posted yesterday, our meetings are now on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays!


  • I’ve updated my calendar accordingly so I can send out reminders as appropriate!


  • Thanks for the great work you who is here and the folks who aren’t here today, many of whom are pushing things forward for us — mostly as discussed in the last meeting.
  • Next meeting in 2 weeks, on the 4th Wednesday. 🙂


