During our first chat of February we discussed the idea of opening a Trello Project management system using the concepts of boards and cards to organize tasks in a sane way. This is what the make.wordpress.com/marketing team uses for example: https://trello.com/b/8UGHVBu8/wp-marketing. Board to check on our progress for projects and working groups.
The idea is not to use it for daily tasks, like vetting, emailing, etc… but more for broader tasks. These could be some of the goals we have in mind for 2018 and other ideas that will pop up in the next few months that need followup.
We are not sure this system will work for us, so we are setting a trial period of 3 months from the moment we create the board to see if someone uses it.
We have two models to look at:
As you can see the different lists have projects in it and not simply “To Do/Doing/Done” which is the default you get when you open a Trello board.
- open a Trello organisation under the support@wordcamp.org email, so it’s not linked to a specific individual
- create two boards: “Start here” with the workflow “Community Tasks” with the actual tasks
- after we do a summary of the 2018 goals, see which ones need project management
- the person who will work on a specific task will start a list
As far as the “Start here” board goes, I think we can see what Design and Marketing did and adjust that to our needs. I am no project manager, so if someone here is, please point us in the right direction of an efficient Kanban board use 🙂
Please leave your feedback before Thursday, Match 8th. We can discuss this during our next chat, on March 1st and then I’ll summarise comments and move to the next step.
Thank you!