Recap of the Diversity Outreach Speaker Training Meeting on February 21st, 2018

Start time stamp in Community-Team SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at

@jillbinder @zoonini @caroleo @miriamgoldman


Today’s Agenda

  • Addressing the drop off in help from most on the team lately
  • Looking for a co-leader to help run our group!
  • Actions to set up MeetupsMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. for success for running the workshop to get more women (or other underrepresented groups) to be speakers
  • Promotions to get the word out there to the Meetups

Addressing the Drop off in Help

In November and December when we started the group, we were all really excited about it.There has been a big drop off in people attending the meetings and I only got a few replies about the new volunteer roles, now that we’re moving from Prep phase to Action phase.

But also, a few people still are participating so just quickly a kudos to them:

We have a few volunteers for Promotion

@miriamgoldman @Webrite @sheilagomes and @newyorkerlaura started with us and now @jenswish is taking over for her

Volunteer for communicating with the Meetups:


Volunteers for training the Meetups for running the workshop:

@Webrite @angelinasimms

And a few other folk are participating in the bi-weekly meetings and also going to run the workshop in the very near future. A big thank you to you.

I can’t help the Meetups do this work and make a difference in the diversity of their speakers (which leads to diversity in their community and leadership and all kinds of other good changes) without more people. Without you.

So here is a big, bold question that I’m feeling brave to ask, and I know that the folk on this meeting are ones who are already participating more so this might not be the right audience, but if you have insights that would be great, and/or people can write to me privately after,

I am wondering what has happened between then? What in the way I’m running the group so far or in the way I’m making requests is having people not participate?

@miriamgoldman suggested people not having enough time for the team
@jillbinder thought it could be that I’m focusing too much on details and forgetting to remind people why we are doing this and what difference we are making
@jillbinder also thought it could have been my life stresses in November and December that distracted me while trying to build the team, and it might have affected people
@caroleo suggested she could keep her eyes open for more volunteers

Please do write to me anything about this. I’m learning to lead and I’m sure I’m making mistakes along the way, and I’m always looking to improve.


Looking for a co-leader to help run our group!

It’s been the goal all along to recruit a group to take long-term leadership so I can pass this on.

With that in mind, now that we are moving into Action phase, I’m looking for one or more co-leaders who will lead with me while we create and act on the Action systems.

It’s a great opportunity to really make a difference, changing the landscape of gender and diversity in WordPress around the world. The ideal person is (or is willing to learn) being passionate about this work, is great at keeping people motivated, and is good at details, and has some time to put into this.

[Edit since the meeting: We have a co-leader! More on that after I get her started.]

Actions to Set up Meetups

We have our message and form for the meetups, and we are moving forward on promoting it and then supporting the meetups who say yes.

Form is at this handy shortlink:

We are creating a system where we’re able to track how many are running it and being able to support any groups that say that they need help.

I have done a call-out to folks with a few people saying yes and we need more, so I’m thinking through what is next. I have a couple of ideas for getting people interested and trained up, specifically for replying to the meetups who say yes and training any who request it.

These are a couple of ideas:

I could hold a live info and orientation web call to explain them further


  • Live sessions could allow meetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. organizers to get instant answers to questions


  • Huge time investment

I could record something for people to watch


  • A good option for taking timezones into account


  • Could record with one extra participant so it’s more natural than me talking to myself

I am open to other ideas that will be efficient with everyone’s time

  • Live meetings could be held by me (Jill) or by other trained volunteers- who would hopefully be in different time zones
  • @caroleo: Recording a video and after interested people watched it, have a skype or similar for further orientation, questions
  • Training mentorsEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. by giving them access to a training recording then having a live follow up session (on Skype or similar)
  • Originally I was training people to run it by actually taking them through the workshop, but I’m nervous about spreading that kind of recording around as people share quite personal info in it. It also takes about an hour and a half to run one module. (We have 5 modules.)
  • Do a general “this is the material and some general points on how to run it.” I think that takes half an hour for all 5 modules. So probably more reasonable.
  • @zoonini pointed out it’s important for anyone giving the workshop to have actually experienced a workshop
  • @zoonini and @jillbinder discussed doing a hybrid workshop/training. Do a general training on most of it but run them through at least one of the exercises, like the brainstorming exercises, and include facilitator-type feedback notes. Or doing condensed versions of the exercises with fewer people.
  • @zoonini suggested finding a better time that works for those who want to give the workshop, rather than the other way around (setting a time and then hoping people can make it)
  • Training people on module 1, then saying  “go do the rest of your own and we’ll reconvene to get your presentations and questions.”

Promotions for the Meetups

For the last item, I’m a little bit stuck on promoting the form until we have the team set up to support people with it,

but also it’s already getting towards end of February and we need to start promoting it regardless.


@miriamgoldman starting on promotional work- she’s going to start targeting the Canadian WP slack and the local FB groups.

@jillbinder also going to start promoting it and trust that everything will be in place soon.


Promotion Plan Spreadsheet

Tab 2:



End meeting Time Stamp

#community-team, #wpwomenspeak