20 UTC Community Chat notes

April 6 2017 20:00 UTC Community Chat edition – notes for those who couldn’t make it.

This is a #recap for those who couldn’t make the Community Chat. Join us in the#community-team channel for real time discussion. Not on SlackSlack Slack is a Collaborative Group Chat Platform https://slack.com/. The WordPress community has its own Slack Channel at https://make.wordpress.org/chat/. yet? Sign up here.

Our agenda based on the morning’s agenda

  • Can and should we increase the frequency of meetings from monthly?
  • Open discussion about WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. naming conventions
  • Managing mentorsEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues., it would be good to find someone else to manage mentors in the EU/Asian timezone
  • _This was on the agenda, but did not quite get discussed_ Roles & Responsibilities and naming conventions of groups within Community Team – e.g. Who’s WordCamp CentralWordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. https://central.wordcamp.org includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each.?

Other requests for the agenda that were not reflected in the morning meeting

  • collaborate with the Polyglots on the Rosetta Outreach project.
  • have check-ins on the progress of the 2017 goals.
  • a discussion of whether we still need/want monthly reports
  • changing/modifying the language in the code of conductCode of Conduct “A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities or proper practices of an individual party.” - Wikipedia to reflect gender expression

Topic 1 – Can and should we increase the frequency of meetings from monthly? – https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1491509190670362

General consensus was that twice monthly meetings would be good with @miss_jwo pointing out that it would depend on the focus of them and @kcristiano pointing out that we wouldn’t want bi-weekly reports.

@remediosgraphic asked if we would continue with the two separate meetings for different timezones. general consensus was yes.

@chanthaboune moved that we vote on it on the p2 so others have a chance to weigh in.

Topic 2 – Open discussion about WordCamp naming conventions – https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1491509605805959

The morning session of the chat focused primarily on the URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL www.wordpress.org structure but touched on the city/country debate as well.

@remediosgrphic brought up WordCamp Netherlands but stated that Costa Rica (also a small country) agrees with the city naming convention.

@krcistiano stated the naming convention should be a guideline not a rule, but that country naming would be super hard to justify.

It was discussed that not a small part of the reason for city based WordCamps is to avoid locked in organizers that act as a controlling force in the community.

@slash1andy asked what happens when there are 2 different groups both wanting to organize a country camp

@myinternetscout proposed there should be some threshold before a country WC could be considered. Also asked about State named camps.

@kcristiano asked if we should have a p2 post on this topic to prep for this year’s community summit.

There was a reminder that no binding decisions are made on slack and that this discussion will evolve over the years and be held at Community Summit. For full details of this portion of the conversation see slack link above.

Topic 3 – mentors in the EU/Asian timezones – https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1491510753180972

We need more of them and we need someone to partner with @brandondove to wrangle them

Mentioned that Cami and Brandon are working with Corey on a tool to make mentoring a bit easier

Brandon brought up that @mayuko volunteered to be mentorEvent Supporter Event Supporter (formerly Mentor) is someone who has already organised a WordCamp and has time to meet with their assigned mentee every 2 weeks, they talk over where they should be in their timeline, help them to identify their issues, and also identify solutions for their issues. wranglerWrangler Someone, usually a person part of event organizing team, who looks after certain things like budget or sponsors. for Asia

Jenny suggested we have one mentor wrangler per region (Americas, Europe, Asia)

Reminder that we’re accepting more awesome deputiesProgram Supporter Community Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook.

Topic 4 – roles and naming of WordCamp volunteers – https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1491511424398804

1. We have the Global Community TeamGlobal Community Team A group of community organizers and contributors who collaborate on local events about WordPress — monthly WordPress meetups and/or annual conferences called WordCamps. which is all volunteers who work on WordCamp/MeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. applications, mentoring, or training.
2. WordCamp Central can mean the community p2 or roughly anyone who has to be on the bank account so they can sign contracts.
The folks who can sign contracts are part of the Global Community Team

A discussion of what “WordCamp Central” and “Central” means to different people. This will take further discussion, clarification, and agreement. And we’ll need to train ourselves and others on how to refer to the team and parts of the team.

And a glossary would be helpful

Additional topics – We didn’t get to additional topics and they will need to be discussed later

Open Q&A –

@kcristano asked about the proposal for changing/modifying the language in the code of conduct to reflect gender expression and whether we’re looking to revamp the CoCCode of Conduct “A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the norms, rules, and responsibilities or proper practices of an individual party.” - Wikipedia or get approval on that minor change.

@chanthaboune answered that we’re looking at that minor change

cami suggested we discuss the change on a p2 or at the Summit where a decision can be made and we can move forward with the update.

in attendance: @chanthaboune @camikaos @nowellvanhoesen @brandondove @yaycheryl @thabotswana @sheriebeth @miss_jwo @kcristiano @remediosgraphic @slash1andy @myinternetscout

You can read the full chat here: https://wordpress.slack.com/archives/C037W5S7X/p1491508769525185

#meetings #recap

#agenda, #meeting