After more than a year and a few false starts, Deputy Community Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook. Training is ready to roll out. While there will be additions and corrections over time it’s in a good place to get both experienced deputies Community Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook. and those new to the deputy program comfortable with our guidelines, expectations, and best-practices. While not every deputy will perform every task covered in the lessons it is important that we all understand how the pieces of the WordPress Meetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. and WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. program fit together. The Training Program isn’t a replacement for the valuable documentation and instruction in the Deputy Handbook, we’ll still look to that for task-based instruction.
You can take a look at the training here:
We’d like all deputies — experienced, new, and those who have been wanting to get started to — take the training. To make it a more collaborative experience we’ll be recommending that each deputy join a study group. Starting at the end of this week and through the next couple of weeks we’ll host a series of kickoff chats to answer any questions you may have about the training program. Then each group will have 1 week to read the trainings and answer the associated quizzes before meeting back up with your original group for a discussion about the material.
Each group will be led by an experienced deputy, their role will be to get people started on the training, collect the group’s answers, and keep conversation on track in addition to taking the training themselves.
We anticipate that these groups will work best with no more than 5 deputies taking part in the discussion groups. Please @ reply the deputy leading the group of your choice to sign up, they will contact you with any additional details you may need before the initial meeting. If the group you’d like to join fills up we will schedule additional sessions in the coming weeks.
In this first round we will have study groups at the following times.
Thursday, February 23 and Thursday, March 2 – 15:00 UTC with @_dorsvenabili
Thursday, February 23 and Thursday, March 2 – 19:00 UTC with @camikaos
Tuesday, February 28 and Tuesday, March 7 – 15:00 UTC with @chanthaboune
Tuesday, February 28 and Tuesday, March 7 – 19:00 UTC with @brandondove
Wednesday, March 1 and Wednesday, March 8 – 8:00 UTC with @hlashbrooke
Wednesday, March 1 and Wednesday, March 8 – 19:00 UTC with @courtneypk
Thursday, March 2 and Thursday, March 9 – 20:00 UTC with @kcristiano
If I’ve left you off this list, my apologies. Please feel free to share. If you’d like to join a training please signup anyway!
@adityakane @digisavvy @dimensionmedia @emanuel_blagonic @francina @miss_jwo @vegasgeek @karenalma @kdrewien @kenshino @nofearinc @mayukojpn @savione @rafaelfunchal @ramiabraham @vc27 @00sleepy @bph @vizkr @gwendydd @ibonazkoitia @slash1andy