In a little less than a month, many of our contributors will be together at WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. US Contributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus., and this will be a great chance for us to get some work done on Community programs and tools! We’ll want to plan for projects that can include people who’ve been contributing to the Community Team for a while, and then also projects that will work for people who are coming to us for the first time. Here are some suggestions that I think have a good balance between development, documentation, testing, community management, and design tasks:
- add a meta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. field in WordCamp Central Website for all WordCamp activities globally. includes a list of upcoming and past camp with links to each. WordCamp listing for global sponsorship grant
- add a contract uploader tool to so we can easily find every venue contract
- an editorial calendar/newsletter schedule and newsletter copy for meetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook. & WordCamp organizers
- plan for a new, WordCamp-surplus-inclusive & fan-designed swag store that organizers can order from autonomously
- mentorship/organizing task list that lives inside WordCamp dashboard (@brandondove similar to what we scoped out at the opening of this year)
- finishing touches on meetup application on Central
- micro-grant application on Central
- edit and finally publish the WordCamp toolkit
- making design kit variations
- editing handbook, orientation scripts
- test deputy Community Program Supporters (formerly Deputies) are a team of people worldwide who review WordCamp and Meetup applications, interview lead organizers, and keep things moving at WordCamp Central. Find more about program supporters in our Program Supporter Handbook. self-training materials (assuming I get them done in time)
If there’s something you think should be on this list, or something on this list that you’d really, really like to work on at WCUS WordCamp US. The US flagship WordCamp event., please tell us about it in the comments! 🙂