We are happy to announce SupportFlow v0.3 is released. Some of its new features are:
- Recently created tickets with no reply widget A WordPress Widget is a small block that performs a specific function. You can add these widgets in sidebars also known as widget-ready areas on your web page. WordPress widgets were originally created to provide a simple and easy-to-use way of giving design and structure control of the WordPress theme to the user. in dashboard
- Ticket assigned to current agent widget in dashboard
- Customer recent ticket widget in view ticket page showing recent tickets created by customers
- Allow agents to add their signatures to the tickets
- Allow respondents to allow basic HTML HTML is an acronym for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a markup language that is used in the development of web pages and websites. tags in reply
- Autosaving ticket data after regular interval
- Easy creation of web based support forms using [[supportflow_submissionform]] shortcode A shortcode is a placeholder used within a WordPress post, page, or widget to insert a form or function generated by a plugin in a specific location on your site.
- Allow filtering tickets with now owner
- Several minor UI UI is an acronym for User Interface - the layout of the page the user interacts with. Think ‘how are they doing that’ and less about what they are doing. changes
- Preventing race conditions in cron jobs
- Save attachment more securely by adding random characters to it
- Added grunt to minify resources automatically
- Serving minified resources in production environment
- Some refactoring of existing source code
Request for Feedback :
You can test its online demo (with username/password: admin/admin) or download it from here. To give feedback either comment on this post or create an issue here
#gsoc, #gsoc-2014