Lots of WordCamps (like Phoenix) usually do new-user trainings already, so I’m hoping you’ll take that into account.
— Andrea Middleton
A. March, and sometimes.
Like with WordCamps, we won’t announce the date and open registration until we nail down our venue, but we are shooting for the first weekend in March to run the pilot workshop. We’ll have a variety of training topics; we’re starting with troubleshooting but will eventually have one for new user setup as well. The idea is that these trainings can be run anytime.
If WordCamps want to incorporate them, great, but part of the reason for starting this training series was to make it possible to have trainings more frequently, and not attached to WordCamps. They can be attached, but in many cases it would be better to do a new user workshop a month or week before the WC, then focus on the fun stuff when the time comes.
Full-day workshops take a lot of effort, and while running them is rewarding, it’s always a bummer when the volunteers in those roles miss out on the regular WordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. stuff in order to do it. Also, that would give the newbies a little bit of time to get used to WordPress and figure out what they really want to do with it before having to choose from the regular WC sessions (a frequent complaint from new-user-workshop-at-WC grads is that they don’t know enough yet to even choose sessions to attend after the workshop ends).
#training, #wordcamps, #workshops