Week 2: WordCamp Base Theme Page Templates Recap

We met over Skype again this week, and had everyone in attendance.

12 Dec 2012 Update

This Week:

  • WordPress 3.5 was released! Kudos to the entire WordPress community.
  • We defined our meeting schedule with breaks due to the holidays:
    • Week 2: Tues, 11 Dec – Final Template List, create tracTrac Trac is the place where contributors create issues for bugs or feature requests much like GitHub.https://core.trac.wordpress.org/. tickets
    • Week 3: Tues, 18 Dec – Choose templates to focus on, start IA/design of chosen templates
    • — Winter Break – Continue IA/design —
    • Week 4: Tues, 08 Jan – Have final IA on templates, preliminary designs
    • Week 5: Tues, 15 Jan – Design/Code templates
    • Week 6: Tues, 22 Jan – Design/Code templates
  • Defined the set of templates that we’re going to focus on for this phase:
    • Schedule
    • Session Profile
    • Day Of Event
    • Post Event Wrap-up
    • Speaker Profile
  • @kovshenin announced that the Speakers custom post typeCustom Post Type WordPress can hold and display many different types of content. A single item of such a content is generally called a post, although post is also a specific post type. Custom Post Types gives your site the ability to have templated posts, to simplify the concept. are now linked to Sessions custom post type via postmeta with fancy autocomplete UIUI UI is an acronym for User Interface - the layout of the page the user interacts with. Think ‘how are they doing that’ and less about what they are doing. (Yay!)
  • He also announced that an Organizer custom post type has been released and is available for immediate use
  • A few new widgets area available to organizers (props @williamsba and @kovshenin):
    • Organizers
    • Speakers
    • Sessions
  • @mor10 volunteered to write up some documentation on how to implement the base theme functionality once the development phase is complete. These will most likely live on Plan/WordCamp, though we talked about possibly including it in the dashboard using @markjaquith’s WP Help plugin. This documentation will consist of a series of text or video tutorials, walking the organizer through different scenarios.
  • SVNSVN Apache Subversion (often abbreviated SVN, after its command name svn) is a software versioning and revision control system. Software developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation. Its goal is to be a mostly compatible successor to the widely used Concurrent Versions System (CVS). WordPress core and the wordpress.org released code are all centrally managed through SVN. https://subversion.apache.org/./trac did not get set up as anticipated.

Next Week:

  • @mor10 to create a preliminary table of contents for the new documentation
  • @kovshenin to notify the team make SVN/trac publicly accessible
  • Create trac tickets for each page template identified above
  • Begin IA/design on chosen templates


  • Add metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. fields to session custom post type
    • Video URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL www.wordpress.org/Embed (wordcamp.tv)
    • Slides URL/Embed from slideshare or uploaded PDF
  • Revise documentation for new features
