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Create a progress bar to display percent completion of a given operation.


WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar( $message, $count, $interval = 100 )
$message (string) Text to display before the progress bar.
$count (integer) Total number of ticks to be performed.
$interval (int) Optional. The interval in milliseconds between updates. Default 100.
@return (\cli\progress\Bar|\WP_CLI\NoOp)


Progress bar is written to STDOUT, and disabled when command is piped. Progress
advances with $progress->tick(), and completes with $progress->finish().
Process bar also indicates elapsed time and expected total time.

# `wp user generate` ticks progress bar each time a new user is created.
# $ wp user generate --count=500
# Generating users  22 % [=======>                             ] 0:05 / 0:23

$progress = \WP_CLI\Utils\make_progress_bar( 'Generating users', $count );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
    // uses wp_insert_user() to insert the user

Internal APIAPI An API or Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows programs to interact with each other and share data in limited, clearly defined ways. documentation is generated from the WP-CLIWP-CLI WP-CLI is the Command Line Interface for WordPress, used to do administrative and development tasks in a programmatic way. The project page is http://wp-cli.org/ https://make.wordpress.org/cli/ codebase on every release. To suggest improvements, please submit a pull request.

  • WP_CLI\Utils\format_items() – Render a collection of items as an ASCII table, JSONJSON JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a minimal, readable format for structuring data. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML., CSV, YAML, list of ids, or count.
  • WP_CLI::colorize() – Colorize a string for output.
  • WP_CLI::line() – Display informational message without prefix, and ignore `–quiet`.
  • WP_CLI::log() – Display informational message without prefix.
  • WP_CLI::success() – Display success message prefixed with "Success: ".
  • WP_CLI::debug() – Display debug message prefixed with "Debug: " when `–debug` is used.
  • WP_CLI::warning() – Display warning message prefixed with "Warning: ".
  • WP_CLI::error() – Display error message prefixed with "Error: " and exit script.
  • WP_CLI::halt() – Halt script execution with a specific return code.
  • WP_CLI::error_multi_line() – Display a multi-line error message in a red box. Doesn’t exit script.
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