WP-CLI v2.8.0 Release Notes

After a bit of unexpected delay, a new release of WP-CLIWP-CLI WP-CLI is the Command Line Interface for WordPress, used to do administrative and development tasks in a programmatic way. The project page is http://wp-cli.org/ https://make.wordpress.org/cli/ is available as of today: WP-CLI v2.8.0. For this release, we had 66 contributors collaborate to get 277 pull requests merged. 

As always, big thanks to the WP-CLI sponsors that make the continued maintenance possible.

This is a small release with the main purpose of polishing PHPPHP PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. https://www.php.net/manual/en/preface.php. 8.1/8.2 support. Nevertheless, apart from the flurry of bugs that were fixed, we also have a few new features that I’ll want to highlight. As always, you can also skip directly to the detailed changelog if you prefer.

Bundled with Requests v2

The last component that needed updating for full PHP 8.1 was the bundled Requests library. With the move to v2 of Requests, adding support for PHP 8.1 seems to be complete, an.d PHP 8.2 is starting to look good as well.

Note that the way the dependencies interact between WP-CLI and WordPress CoreCore Core is the set of software required to run WordPress. The Core Development Team builds WordPress. (which has no proper dependency management that could help out here) makes for a somewhat hacky solution at this time. We’re looking into something more robust for a future release, but until then make sure you submit issues when you encounter edge cases that the current approach does not yet take into account.

Improve support for caching solutions

There is a new command wp cache supports <feature> to detect cache features like add_multiple. Furthermore, we have a new command wp cache flush-group that allows you to flush at the group level. Also, WP-CLI now produces warning when you use wp transient list when an object cache is active. Finally, WP-CLI now recognizes Object Cache Pro as a caching solution.

$ wp cache supports add_multiple
$ echo $?

$ wp cache flush-group my_group
Success: Cache group 'my_group' was flushed.

Fetch URLs of entities

For the posts, terms and comments, you can now retrieve their canonical URLURL A specific web address of a website or web page on the Internet, such as a website’s URL www.wordpress.org via the --field=url argument. As an example, you can retrieve the URL of the post with ID 123 via the following command:

$ wp post get 123 --field=url

Skip config changes on multisiteMultisite Multisite is a WordPress feature which allows users to create a network of sites on a single WordPress installation. Available since WordPress version 3.0, Multisite is a continuation of WPMU or WordPress Multiuser project. WordPress MultiUser project was discontinued and its features were included into WordPress core.https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network. conversion

In case you’re working on a read-only filesystem or are forced to push file changes through VCS, you can now skip the automatic config file changes that wp core multisite-convert does. All you need to do is add the --skip-config flag, and the command will not only obey that choice, but also conveniently print the changes you need to make to the config file manually. This behavior was already included with wp core multisite-install, but now the conversion command knows this trick too.

$ wp core multisite-convert --skip-config
Set up multisite database tables.
Addition of multisite constants to 'wp-config.php' skipped. You need to add them manually:
define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );
define( 'MULTISITE', true );
define( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', {$subdomain_export} );
\$base = '/';
define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'example.com' );
define( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/' );
define( 'SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );
define( 'BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1 );
Success: Network installed. Don't forget to set up rewrite rules (and a .htaccess file, if using Apache).

Verify checksums for the root folder

The wp core verify-checksums now has a new --include-root flag that makes it scan and verify the root folder as well (the one that ABSPATH points to).

$ wp core verify-checksums --include-root
Warning: File should not exist: dump.sql
Warning: File should not exist: backdoor.php

Configure autoloading behavior for options

Two new commands wp option get-autoload and wp option set-autoload have been added to change the autoloading behavior for an existing option. This was not easily possible with wp option update as that only allowed the autoloading to change when the value changed as well.

$ wp option add foo bar
Success: Added 'foo' option.
$ wp option get-autoload foo
$ wp option set-autoload foo no
Success: Updated autoload value for 'foo' option.
$ wp option set-autoload foo no
Success: Autoload value passed for 'foo' option is unchanged.

New flags for password reset

The command wp user reset-password now has two new flags. The first one is --show-password, and it will immediately show the new password as it is being reset. The second one is --porcelain, and it will show only the password and nothing else as output of the command. The latter one is useful for scripting purposes.

$ wp user reset-password admin --skip-email --show-password
Reset password for admin.
Password: bt6Hy!9*P0A1
Success: Password reset for 1 user.

$ wp user reset-password admin --skip-email --porcelain

Include ad-hoc code instead of evaluating it

If you’re using the wp eval-file command, it will read the file you point it to and run it through the PHP eval logic. This has a few drawbacks, though. One one hand, directives like declare(strict_types=1) will throw errors. On the other, it is not possible to use XDebug to debug such an evaluated piece of code.

To counter this, the wp eval-file command now has a new --use-include flag that makes it include the file you’re pointing to, instead of running it through eval. Note that this does not work with STDIN as input, so the - file argument can not be used at the same time as the --use-include flag.

Detailed change log

To avoid too much noise in the list above, the following types of pull requests have been omitted:

  • PRs that only bumped dependencies to their latest version.
  • PRs that only fixed a typo in the documentation.
  • PRs that add an allow-plugins rule to Composer.
  • PRs that add a Composer script.


  • Adapt tests for Requests [#540]
  • Skip update-framework.yml workflow on forks [#537]
  • Add a workflow to keep wp-cli/wp-cli up to date [#507]
  • Move the new README into its proper location [#478]
  • Add a new bundle-specific README [#476]
  • Use Composer 2.2 LTS for PHP < 7.2 [#472]
  • Detect if running Phar via CLICLI Command Line Interface. Terminal (Bash) in Mac, Command Prompt in Windows, or WP-CLI for WordPress. SAPI [#465]
  • Use ramsey/composer-install in Deployment workflow [#463]


  • Harden loading of upgrader [#5791]
  • Ignore Requests deprecations in error handling for now [#5790]
  • Fallback to hardcoded folder when WPINC not defined [#5786]
  • Add RequestsLibrary::get_bundled_certificate_path() method [#5785]
  • Conditionally adapt to Core Requests library [#5783]
  • Add bootstrap step to extract default CA certificate [#5781]
  • Revert “Extract cacert from Phar for cURL” [#5780]
  • Use wp_cache_flush_runtime if supported. [#5778]
  • Extract cacert from Phar for cURL [#5777]
  • Fix some PHP 8.2 depreciation notices in behat tests [#5776]
  • Use rtrim on phar-safe path to avoid double slash [#5775]
  • Upgrade WP-CLI to Requests v2 [#5774]
  • Added wp cli alias is-group subcommand. [#5766]
  • Update test to reflect warning when --url=<url> is provided [#5763]
  • Use -R instead of -r for fallback pager command [#5759]
  • Fix autocompletion notice with PHP 8.2 [#5749]
  • Fix PHP Deprecation for 8.1 [#5743]
  • Use WP_CLI_FORCE_USER_LOGIN=1 to force --user=<login> [#5738]
  • Fix --skip-themes for themes with blockBlock Block is the abstract term used to describe units of markup that, composed together, form the content or layout of a webpage using the WordPress editor. The idea combines concepts of what in the past may have achieved with shortcodes, custom HTML, and embed discovery into a single consistent API and user experience. patterns [#5737]
  • Make sure subcommand @alias definition respects @when definition [#5730]
  • Improve docs for SHELL_PIPE [#5729]
  • Use awk instead of sed to create BOM in feature test [#5728]
  • Add runtime_args to options array for runcommand [#5722]
  • Fix deprecation notice triggered in WpOrgApi class in PHP 8.1 [#5717]
  • Fix return type of make_progress_bar [#5715]
  • Add name context to before_invoke and after_invoke [#5712]
  • Check that proc_open() is available in Process::run() [#5711]
  • Improve support for cases with empty --path provided to commands [#5709]
  • Fix composer test after branch rename [#5708]
  • PHP 8.2: explicitly declare CompositeCommand::$longdesc to fix deprecation warning [#5707]
  • Detect Object Cache Pro [#5698]
  • Ensure WP_CLI_ROOT is defined before accessing it [#5697]
  • Fix proc_open_compat util on Windows [#5689]
  • Move WP_CLI_CONFIG_SPEC_FILTER_CALLBACK test to flags.feature [#5687]


  • Replacement added for the && [#444]
  • Add HostRiver to list of hosting companies [#442]
  • Add DataPerk to list of hosting companies [#441]
  • Include a couple more helpful Behat calls [#440]
  • Add maintainer expectations to the Governance page [#439]
  • Fill out page for wp profile [#437]
  • Link to ‘Shell Friends’ from the Philosophy doc [#435]
  • Add example for how to discard headerHeader The header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitor’s opinion about your content and you/ your organization’s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes. row from CSV [#434]
  • Uppercase for ‘Committers Credo’ title [#433]
  • Update hosting-companies.md [#432]
  • Move the Doctor docs under ‘Guides’ [#431]
  • Add secondary wp doctor content and a landing page [#430]
  • Add two primary wp doctor docs to the handbook [#429]
  • Fix phar download url [#428]
  • Adding new pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the WordPress.org Plugin Directory https://wordpress.org/plugins/ or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party to handbook [#427]
  • Corrected local jumplinks [#426]
  • Running commands remotely: On restrictive webhost [#425]
  • Remove BackupBuddy [#423]
  • Remove non existing tool [#421]


  • Update index.md [#428]
  • Add “WP-CLI” heading [#427]
  • Update German readme [#426]
  • Update ja/index.md [#424]
  • Current stable release is 2.6.0 [#423]


  • Warn when wp transient list is used with external object cache [#82]
  • Give a warning when flushing cache on multisite with --url=<url> [#86]
  • Add wp cache flush-group for flushing a cache group [#85]
  • Add wp cache supports <feature> command [#84]


  • Fix failing checksum tests due to timeout on WP_VERSION=trunk [#99]
  • Pass false instead of null to fix PHP 8.1 warning [#103]
  • Add --include-root parameter to also verify root directory [#102]
  • Verify a specific plugin version [#108]
  • Log warning if WpOrgApi::get_plugin_checksums() fails [#105]


  • Fix failing tests by switching to WordPress 4.1 as minor update test [#223]
  • Fix failing test by setting WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE=false [#222]
  • Fix deprecation notices in PHP 8.1 [#220]
  • Resolve tests failures from WordPress 6.2 [#229]
  • Leave wp-content/plugins and wp-content/themes directories when using --skip-content [#230]
  • Check more files to determine if WordPress is present or not [#233]
  • Add a --skip-config flag to wp core multisite-convert [#231]
  • Fix tests for Requests v2 support [#235]


  • Use wp_get_ready_cron_jobs() for --due-now to apply core filterFilter Filters are one of the two types of Hooks https://codex.wordpress.org/Plugin_API/Hooks. They provide a way for functions to modify data of other functions. They are the counterpart to Actions. Unlike Actions, filters are meant to work in an isolated manner, and should never have side effects such as affecting global variables and output. [#89]
  • Warn instead of fatal when invalid cron event is detected [#93]
  • Add --exclude=<hooks> argument to wp cron event run [#97]


  • Fix retrieval of get_post_table_characterset [#231]


  • Add example for deleting multiple post IDs [#387]
  • Add --field=url support for posts, comments, and terms [#383]
  • Add wp option get-autoload and wp option set-autoload [#382]
  • Replace empty namespace autoloader with classmap [#390]
  • Do not mark main site as spam when using wp user spam [#393]
  • Clarify url field in wp site list docs [#401]
  • Change new passwords to 24 characters in a few places [#399]
  • Add examples and update the documentation to the wp post term [#398]
  • Add --show-password flag to user reset-password [#394]
  • Warn when an invalid role is provided for wp user update [#406]


  • Add --use-include flag [#64]


  • Update post__in documentation to mention space-separated [#104]
  • Update tests using WordPress Importer to require WordPress 5.2 [#102]
  • Add --include_once=<section> parameter for before_posts data in multi-file exports [#100]
  • Exclude unnecessary author IDs from oembed_cache posts in export [#99]


  • Fix failing tests [#347]
  • Fix failing PHP 5.6 tests by requiring WP 5.2 [#342]
  • Delete plugin translation files when plugin is uninstalled [#339]
  • Don’t report an error when 5 out of 5 plugins were updated [#338]
  • Remove extra space [#335]
  • Add format option to wp plugin|theme auto-updates status [#351]
  • Include optional 'auto_updates' field in plugin and theme lists [#350]
  • Avoid deleting theme if the specified version cannot be found [#349]
  • Ensure a stable version is used when --minor or --patch specified [#355]
  • Fix fatal error in invalid plugin update offer [#354]
  • Fix PHP 8.2 ‘Creation of dynamic property’ warning [#360]


  • PHP 8.2: fix ${var} string interpolation deprecation warning [#346]
  • Add more standard ‘excludes’ values [#351]
  • Fix unclosed quote [#350]
  • CI: Ensure PHPUnit workflow actually runs [#360]
  • Fix deprecated partially-supported callables for PHP 8.2 [#359]
  • update-po: Check for destination [#356]


  • Fix failing tests with @require-wp-5.2 [#79]
  • Document use of the IMPORT_DEBUG constant [#82]


  • Switch to twentytwentyone to fix failing tests [#118]


  • Fx typo in import command longdesc [#172]
  • Travis is no longer in use, so fine to remove config files [#171]
  • Avoid deleting metaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. for other sizes when running wp media regenerate with --image_size [#170]
  • Support --post_name= when importing media [#166]
  • Correct argument for fix-orientation subcommand [#165]
  • Remove tests around square image thumbnail regeneration [#177]


  • Fix failing package-command tests [#164]
  • Mark the test with yoast/wp-cli-faker as @broken [#170]
  • Adapt bundled certificate access [#174]


  • Add annotations to remove deprecated warning message on PHP 8.1[#152]
  • Restore PHPUnit test runs [#155]
  • Fix PHP Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property [#158]


  • Support full URLs for wp rewrite list --match=<url> [#59]


  • Add explanation of what happens for wp role reset [#58]
  • Fix fatal error when resetting an already deleted role [#57]
  • Fix support for --grant=false argument [#59]


  • Update the GitHubGitHub GitHub is a website that offers online implementation of git repositories that can easily be shared, copied and modified by other developers. Public repositories are free to host, private repositories require a paid subscription. GitHub introduced the concept of the ‘pull request’ where code changes done in branches by contributors can be reviewed and discussed before being merged be the repository owner. https://github.com/ URL for db.php [#317]
  • Add phpcompatibility-wp coding standards to Gitlab template [#315]
  • Use platform-agnostic mysql-client packages in Gitlab CI [#314]
  • Added vendor to the generated .gitignore which the scaffold creates [#279]


  • Make is_text_col‘s search case-insensitive for sqlite support [#177]
  • Fix regex invalid delimiter test for PHP 8.2 [#181]
  • Address long-running queries and OOM contributor in PHP replacement [#180]


  • Update status badge in README.md [#40]
  • Avoid test failure with assertNotSame instead of assertNotEquals [#41]
  • Fix incorrect return type in docblock for get_value() [#43]


@aerogus, @agrullon95, @akirk, @benjaminprojas, @BhargavBhandari90, @brandonpayton, @bukowa, @cliffordp, @connerbw, @danielbachhuber, @dd32, @dlind1, @drzraf, @dsXLII, @elenachavdarova, @endriu84, @gagan0123, @gedex, @gitlost, @greatislander, @hbhalodia, @herregroen, @janw-me, @jenkoian, @joeldcanfield, @josedumas, @jrfnl, @kozer, @l3ku, @lipemat, @localheinz, @matzeeable, @michaelzangl, @mpkelly, @mrsdizzie, @mweimerskirch, @oandregal, @ocean90, @ouikhuan, @paulschreiber, @pbiron, @pdaalder, @pmbaldha, @ponsfrilus, @pwtyler, @r-a-y, @Rahmon, @rodrigoprimo, @rutviksavsani, @Saggre, @schlessera, @semseysandor, @SH4LIN, @shendy-a8c, @siliconforks, @srtfisher, @SteenSchutt, @strarsis, @stuartlangridge, @swissspidy, @tecking, @Tug, @tyrann0us, @wojsmol, @wojtekn, @yousan

#release, #v2-8-0