Site Feedback Guide

On occasion, the Make WordPress Accessible group has been asked to review a The community site where WordPress code is created and shared by the users. This is where you can download the source code for WordPress core, plugins and themes as well as the central location for community conversations and organization. site and provide feedback on any accessibilityAccessibility Accessibility (commonly shortened to a11y) refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The concept of accessible design ensures both “direct access” (i.e. unassisted) and “indirect access” meaning compatibility with a person’s assistive technology (for example, computer screen readers). ( issues. The following document contains a series of guidelines (organised by skill level and technology usage) that should enable you to do so — irrespective of whether you are a technical developer or a non-technical WordPress user.

Technical Users


If you use web developer tools and can easily disable Cascading Style Sheets (CSSCSS CSS is an acronym for cascading style sheets. This is what controls the design or look and feel of a site.) , JavascriptJavaScript JavaScript or JS is an object-oriented computer programming language commonly used to create interactive effects within web browsers. WordPress makes extensive use of JS for a better user experience. While PHP is executed on the server, JS executes within a user’s browser. and image display in your browser, please try the following:

  • Disable all CSS:
    • Does the site still render in a logical order?
    • Are the various elements and sections still clear (e.g. headings, paragraphs, forms, lists, links and navigation)
  • Enable CSS & disable all images:
    • Is alternate text or image replacement used?
    • Are headings and other important elements visible?
    • Is the contrast still usable?
  • Disable all CSS & images:
    • Are the various elements and sections still clear?
    • Is alternate text used for images added via markup?
    • Could these images be better implemented using CSS?
    • Are headings and other important elements visible?
    • Is the contrast still usable?
  • Disable Javascript:
    • Does the site still work effectively?
    • Are any visible links broken?


  • How semantic and proper is the mark-up?
  • Are headings used effectively and in a reasonable order?
  • Is list markup used for lists?
  • Is blockquote markup used correctly or has it been used purely for presentation?
  • Is emphasis markup used correctly or has it been used purely for presentation?
  • Is tab indexing used wisely?
  • Are accesskeys used at all?

Non-technical Sighted Users


  • Does the site use images in a way that supports reading & comprehension?
  • If the site has few images, would it benefit from more to support those whose first language is not used on the site (e.g. sign language users)?
  • Are links in the page’s content area easy to find/see or do you have to search for them?
  • Does link text actually describe the resource it is pointing to?
  • Would the link text still be understood if it was read out of context?
  • If you are using a mouse:
    • Are links easy to click on?
    • Are hover styles used on links which do not depend entirely on color?
    • Do these styles also work on visited links?
  • How effectively are links separated?


  • Are the fonts used on the site easy to read?
  • Are there too many font/text styles in use?


  • Are forms easy to use and complete?
  • If you click on the label of a form input, does the cursor immediately appear in the relevant form input?
  • If you make a mistake, does the form try to highlight your error so you can correct it?

Screen Reader Users

  • How well does the site sound?
  • Is it clearly read or are there redundancies or spots of missing information?
  • Are image alt attributes used effectively?
  • Are there any images that need much longer descriptions (e.g charts)?
  • Can you access skip navigation links?
  • Do the skip navigation links work effectively?
  • Are you forced to move through too many navigation links to reach the one you want?
  • If you have access to Heading Lists, do the headings support your understanding of the page?
  • If you have access to Link Lists, do the links still make sense when rendered in this list?
  • How effectively are links separated if you do not use a Link List?
  • Are there any links that allow you to move up & down a given page?
  • If “yes”, are they used effectively?
  • If “no”, would the page benefit from such links?
  • Are forms easy to understand and complete?
  • If you make a mistake, does the form try to highlight your errors in an effective manner?

Sighted Keyboard Users

  • When you move into the page, do you become lost very easily?
  • Can you access skip navigation links?
  • Do the skip navigation links work effectively?
  • Are links easy to find/see or do you have to search for them?
  • Are there any links that allow you to move up & down a given page?
  • If “yes”, are they used effectively?
  • If “no”, would the page benefit from such links?
  • Is it easy to see which link currently has focus?
  • When completing forms, is it easy to see which form input currently has focus?
  • Are there any areas of the site that you cannot access?

All Users


  • Is it clear what the site is for?
  • Can you easily distinguish the navigation menus from (say) the page’s main content?
  • How readable is the site’s content?
  • Is there any text that is hard to see and/or read?
  • How easily can the content in a page be digested?
  • Is it broken down into easy-to-digest chunks?
  • Is the site’s content exceedingly verbose or it is clear and brief in its presentation?
  • Are the headings used in a way that makes sense?
  • How about the spelling – is it correct?
  • Are abbreviations expanded or explained?
  • How useful is the title element at the top of the browser window?
  • Does it reveal something useful about the current page?
  • If you bookmark the page, is the bookmark’s text concise and accurate or too verbose?

Additional Visitor Support

  • Does the site have an effective search tool?
  • Does the site include an accessibility statement?
  • Does the site include a privacy policy
  • Try to navigate to a non-existent page. Is the resulting error page helpful?
  • Is it easy to make contact with the site’s owner or do you have to jump through hoops?
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