20th WordPress Accessibility test: Add media with Speech Recognition Software

This test is for users of Speech Recognition Software, like Dragon Naturally Speaking.
We would like to know how well adding images works in WordPress, what the issues are, what works and what not. So then we know what to fix.

If you know how to use such software like Dragon Naturally Speaking could you please do the next 3 test for us.
Please report what problems you encountered, what was hard or impossible to do and also what was easy.

Please login to your WordPress website and try the following 3 tests.

Test 1:

  • Go to All Posts
  • Edit a post
  • Put the cursor somewhere in the content where you want to add an image
  • Click the button “Add Media”
  • Select an image from the Media Library
  • On the right there are attachment details showing now
  • Change the title
  • Change the caption
  • Change the alt text
  • Change the description
  • Change the alignment
  • Change the link to option
  • Change the size
  • And click the blue button “Insert into post”

Note: Are you seeing scrollbars for the grit with images and/or the attachment detail? Can you scroll down?

Test 2:

  • Go to All Posts
  • Edit a post
  • Put the cursor somewhere in the content where you want to add an image
  • Click the button “Add Media”
  • Select Upload files
  • Try to upload an image from your computer
  • And click the blue button “Insert into post”

Test 3:

  • Go to All Posts
  • Edit a post (doesn’t matter which one)
  • Put the cursor somewhere in the content where you want to add a gallery
  • Click the button “Add Media”
  • Select from the option left “Create Gallery”
  • Select now 4 images
  • Click the blue button “Create Gallery”
  • Try to reorder the images by drag and drop
  • Change the caption on one image
  • Change the Gallery Settings
  • And click the blue button “Insert gallery”

Please add to your findings which assistive technologyAssistive technology Assistive technology is an umbrella term that includes assistive, adaptive, and rehabilitative devices for people with disabilities and also includes the process used in selecting, locating, and using them. Assistive technology promotes greater independence by enabling people to perform tasks that they were formerly unable to accomplish, or had great difficulty accomplishing, by providing enhancements to, or changing methods of interacting with, the technology needed to accomplish such tasks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assistive_technology and which version of it you used for this test and also which browser and operating system.
If you want to read more about the discussions on this, read the related ticket: #23562

Report your findings as a comment with this post, you can also refer here to a link to a document with your test results.

If you need help to set up this test, please email to wpa11ytest@gmail.com

All results of the tests will be posted in this blog later.
