Image Editing Meeting Agenda – 18th July

We’re having the first meeting of the image editing group tomorrow: Friday at 18:00 UTC. Below is the agenda:

1. General Introductions
2. Discussion of project scope (and name) (also, talking about the feature pluginFeature Plugin A plugin that was created with the intention of eventually being proposed for inclusion in WordPress Core. See Features as Plugins. process)
3. Discussion of project stages
4. Review of work done so far (personas, user interviews, competitor analysis)
5. Assigning tasks

If anyone has anything else that they would like discuss, please leave a comment.

I will post the link to the Google Hangout here 15 mins before the chat.

#image-editing, #image-flow

Image Editing UX Research: Personas

I was meeting with @siobhan last week to work on creating initial personas for Image Editing in WordPress. We came up with 6 main personas with different skill levels, goals and frustrations (for details see link below):

  1. Novice Blogger
  2. Experienced Blogger
  3. Photoblogger
  4. Mobile Photoblogger
  5. Multi-author Blog Editor
  6. Tutorial Writer

We’ve put together a Google Doc for these personas and I’m sure we’ll refine it in the course of the next weeks, possibly add another persona or so: Google Doc Personas

We’re thinking of providing a form for others to fill out to collect more data and to learn more about user’s image editing workflows, pain points and expectations.

We’ve also put together a list of general user flows/tasks around Image Adding and Editing that will help us account for how people are using the image editing tools. Please share any additional flows/tasks you feel are missing in the comments below. (Google Doc Flows/Tasks)

Adding/Editing Images

  • User uploads individual image and inserts into post
  • User edits image after insertion into post
  • User uploads individual image and edits prior to inserting into post
  • User uploads multiple images and wants to bulk edit images
  • User uploads multiple images and wants to edit single image
  • User uploads multiple images, inserts into post, and positions images in post editor
  • Editor edits images uploaded by another user

Specific Editing Tasks

  • User crops an image
  • User rotates an image
  • User flips an image
  • User rotates an individual image
  • User wants to individually rotate multiple images
  • User wants to bulk rotate images
  • User resizes an image by presets
  • User resizes an image to custom size
  • User wants to bulk resize images
  • User undos / redos editing steps
  • User deletes an image
  • User wants to bulk delete multiple images

Adding/Editing Photo Galleries

  • User uploads multiple images to create photo gallery
  • User creates gallery from selecting images in media library
  • User edits images in existing gallery in post
  • User wants to chose from different gallery templates / grids

We deliberately kept this exercise high level without creating any wireframes or mockups yet. I feel it’s important to understand the users and what they want to do first before we dive in.

Next steps are to document the current workflows and pain points. We also want to look at other image editing solutions and what we can learn from those.

We would love to hear your feedback!

#image-editing, #image-flow

Image Editing Weekly Meeting

We’re going to kick off weekly meetings for image editing next week. They’ll be at 18:00 UTC Friday, starting Friday 18th July. That’s:

  • 20:00 Amsterdam
  • 19:00 London
  • 14:00 East Coast US
  • 12:00 Mountain Time
  • 11:00 Pacific

It’s after the media component meeting.

We’re going to experiment with using Google Hangouts instead of IRC for the meeting. I’ll post the link to the chatroom here about 10 minutes beforehand. Google Hangouts allow for 10 maximum for a hangout. That should suffice for the time being. Other people can attend and ask questions if we get full.

We have a Gitter chat room set up for ongoing communication.

[Update: I got the time wrong for the media component meeting – we’ll have our meeting after theirs :)]

#image-editing, #image-flow

Feature Plugin: Improving Image Editing

Image editing in WordPress isn’t fun. It’s possible, but it isn’t fun. Bringing image editing into the media modal was pretty awesome. Now people can edit images from the modal (yay!) but they also realise how frustrating that image editing experience is (boo 🙁 ).

WordPress is not an image editing platform, but we do offer some minimal image editing tools and, since they’re there, they should be intuitive instead of anger inducing.

Image editing is an area that’s ripe for improvement, so we are proposing an image editing feature pluginFeature Plugin A plugin that was created with the intention of eventually being proposed for inclusion in WordPress Core. See Features as Plugins. to see how we can improve things.

At the WordCampWordCamp WordCamps are casual, locally-organized conferences covering everything related to WordPress. They're one of the places where the WordPress community comes together to teach one another what they’ve learned throughout the year and share the joy. Learn more. Seattle contributor dayContributor Day Contributor Days are standalone days, frequently held before or after WordCamps but they can also happen at any time. They are events where people get together to work on various areas of There are many teams that people can participate in, each with a different focus., myself, @sonjanyc, @mor10 and @DH-Shredder started some discussions about how we can improve the image editing experience in WordPress. Below is what we discussed:

What we want to provide to users

  • a set of simple image editing tools that just work (crop, rotate, scale)
  • image editing tools that integrate better with image uploading workflows
  • image editing tools that are easy to access
  • an interface that is extensibleExtensible This is the ability to add additional functionality to the code. Plugins extend the WordPress core software. so that pluginPlugin A plugin is a piece of software containing a group of functions that can be added to a WordPress website. They can extend functionality or add new features to your WordPress websites. WordPress plugins are written in the PHP programming language and integrate seamlessly with WordPress. These can be free in the Plugin Directory or can be cost-based plugin from a third-party developers can create advanced image editing which can be easy integrated

We discussed the process for the way forward with the project:
1. Creating personas and workflows
2. Conducting interviews with user types (photoblogger, food blogger, tutorial writer, multi-author blog editor, etc)
3. Looking at how other platforms provide image editing functionality
4. UIUI UI is an acronym for User Interface - the layout of the page the user interacts with. Think ‘how are they doing that’ and less about what they are doing. mockups
5. Design
6. Coding
7. Testing

Tickets related to image editing

And here are some mockups that were done around 3.5 from @lessbloat

If anyone would like to be involved in this project, please let us know. We have a Skype group and we can start kicking off weekly meetings, either in IRC or Google Hangouts. It’s in the very early stages and we’re planning to take things slowly since we all have other commitments, but we can get things moving more quickly if with more involvement.

Here are some things you could help out with:

  • conducting user interviews and writing up the research
  • researching other platforms, writing it up, providing screenshots
  • mocking up workflows
  • mocking up the UI
  • designing the interface
  • coding like a boss
  • coding like a backbone boss
  • user testing
  • feedback, insight, rants, cheerleading

You can email me to be added to the Skype group or let us know in the comments

#feature-plugins, #image-editing, #image-flow