I requested to become validator for Persian language…

I requested to become validator for Persian language three months ago (https://make.wordpress.org/polyglots/2013/09/30/validation-request-there-are-a-few-languages-in/#comment-248879)
I got this answer: Go contact Persian WordPress team! so I contacted them and their latest answer was: “we will contact you” and this is two months that there’s no contact!
Current Persian language validators are so inactive that it took them like a month to validate translations that I and other volunteers had translated for WordPress 3.8 (even when 3.8 didn’t have many new stringsString A string is a translatable part of the software. A translation consists of a multitude of localized strings.!)
It’s good to know that for example bbPressbbPress Free, open source software built on top of WordPress for easily creating forums on sites. https://bbpress.org. has 163 strings waiting, BuddyPress has 719 strings waiting, WordPress for Android has 144 and WordPress for iOSiOS The operating system used on iPhones and iPads. has 74 strings waiting!
This situation made some of WordPress lovers to translate WordPress projects independently.
New moderator and validators are necessary for Persian language.
