HTML5 Widgets in WordPress 4.2

HTML5 widgets theme support in 4.2 has been reverted pending a decision about the correct container to use

With the upcoming WordPress 4.2 release, widgets have been added to the growing list of HTML5 supported markup. Once you’ve added HTML5 support for widgets, WordPress will use the <aside> element, instead of the generic list markup.

To declare that your theme supports HTML5 widgets, add the following call to your theme’s functions.php file, preferably in a callback to the after_setup_theme action:

add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'widgets' ) );

For forward compatibility reasons, the second argument cannot be omitted when registering support. Otherwise, a theme would automatically declare its support for HTML5 features that might be added in the future, possibly breaking it visually.

If there are any questions about the current implementation, feel free to leave a comment below.

#4-2, #html5, #themes, #widgets