Search Initiative Chat Recap


In Attendance:

Topics Discussed:

  • The ‘big’ portion of the Search Initiative may have to be delayed unless we get sufficient interest and participation.  A small group with little feedback will have significantly more difficulty building something that will necessarily be attractive to the community at large, and have far less chance of adoption.
  • x-team (Weston and John) have been working on “admin screen search” here, which is very much in line with the Navigation is often tricky to find a menu item (seen time after time in user testing videos). Possibly suggest adminadmin (and super admin) pages as the user is typing their query? auto-suggest item from the original summation post. However, it would need a search field to hook onto to offer the results.  Some questions about how best to cache it were brought up, as that would be expensive to run, but it seemed best to address that after figuring out precisely what it’s going to search and how it’s going to happen.
  • Scott and the Metamorphosis team have been working on how to better structure Post MetaMeta Meta is a term that refers to the inside workings of a group. For us, this is the team that works on internal WordPress sites like WordCamp Central and Make WordPress. for assorted post types and the like. This would mesh quite well with the Not all relevant information is searched. I may have relevant data stored in a postmeta field, but it’s not indexed for searching item from the original summation post.  If a `include_in_search` flag could be set on specific meta keys, it could provide far more accurate results, as opposed to the status quo, where postmeta is not used in search (leading to rather difficult situations in CPTs where `content` is not supported or is not representative of the item in question)

We’ll be continuing on December 13 22:00 UTC unless a time that works for more people is suggested in the comments below.

#feature-plugins, #omnisearch, #search