Meeting notes for 3/25/2010, added live:…

Meeting notes for 3/25/2010, added live:
* Feature status and schedule update ā€“ all. rboren: Menus have firmed up, no more changes to how things are stored, just UIUI User interface changes. Still need accessible version. Need to get lighter headerHeader The header of your site is typically the first thing people will experience. The masthead or header art located across the top of your page is part of the look and feel of your website. It can influence a visitorā€™s opinion about your content and you/ your organizationā€™s brand. It may also look different on different screen sizes. done johnonolan working on patchpatch A special text file that describes changes to code, by identifying the files and lines which are added, removed, and altered. It may also be referred to as a diff. A patch can be applied to a codebase for testing. this weekend. Multiple post thumbnails not done, markjaquith has been slammed with work, will try to finish over weekend, if not, puntpunt Contributors sometimes use the verb "punt" when talking about a ticket. This means it is being pushed out to a future release. This typically occurs for lower priority tickets near the end of the release cycle that don't "make the cut." In this is colloquial usage of the word, it means to delay or equivocate. (It also describes a play in American football where a team essentially passes up on an opportunity, hoping to put themselves in a better position later to try again.). Schedule: have missed the betaBeta A pre-release of software that is given out to a large group of users to trial under real conditions. Beta versions have gone through alpha testing in-house and are generally fairly close in look, feel and function to the final product; however, design changes often occur as part of the process. period beginning, need to get menus done first.

* Inline documentation of the twentyten theme ā€“ demetris. Referenced post at and second argument on function, which had no documentation. We need to document functions.php.Ā phpdoc in functions.php, and conversational elsewhere, maybe. jorbin will take a first pass tomorrow.

* Front end AJAX endpoint Ć¢Ā€Ā“ best solution discussion ( Ć¢Ā€Ā“ dd32. ā€œwp-ajax.php will be removed for various reasons (#12400). The consensus was stronger for better education, not a new file.ā€Ć‚ code from rboren: admin_url(ā€˜adminadmin (and super admin)-ajax.phpā€™, ā€˜httpHTTP HTTP is an acronym for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTTP is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web and this protocol defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.ā€™) forces http.

* Menus Ć¢Ā€Ā“ Ryan
Will be following the new wireframe. Need to finish before beta. Jane will do revised more detailed wireframe on Friday, pthdnbr will take lead on code.
*Code sprint at WCSF ā€“ Jane Monday and Tuesday after WCSF at Pier 38. Hacker Days/Code Sprint. Details to come.

* Information provided for update checks from multisite installs ( Ć¢Ā€Ā“ denis de bernardy
* Making the agregate stats data public Ć¢Ā€Ā“ denis de bernardy
Privacy vs. utility.