How do we handle uploading videos that can’t…

How do we handle uploading videos that can’t properly be uploaded by people who have slow connections and continuously get time-outs? Point in case, the guys from South Africa would like to upload two videos of their WordPress MeetupMeetup Meetup groups are locally-organized groups that get together for face-to-face events on a regular basis (commonly once a month). Learn more about Meetups in our Meetup Organizer Handbook., but can’t. They have uploaded it to an FTPFTP FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol which is a way of moving computer files from one computer to another via the Internet. You can use software, known as a FTP client, to upload files to a server for a WordPress website. server (which does work) and from which I have downloaded the two videos.

So the question is.. under which username do I do this? Do I just use the form or do I use my own account to upload the videos? @andreamiddleton you have advise for me? 🙂
